… Posted by. “Telling children the truth about the Santa myth can give them confidence in your honesty and support. You will love seeing them sit under the tree, their small faces lit with Christmas lights. Trust is based on experience, and if children trust you, they learn to trust themselves, and ultimately others,” Gross said. Telling children about Santa is a long-held and much cherished tradition that many people feel is a sacred part of childhood. How do you approach the Santa Claus myth with your children? Archived. You asked a very good question: “Are you Santa?” I know you have wanted the answer to this question for a long time, and I’ve had to give it careful thought to know just what to say. When to tell the truth about 'you know who' ... Gray advises against sitting a child down and telling them Santa isn’t real. You've spent so much time suppressing your real self, from your emotions to your reactions, to deal with the onslaught of your parents that you haven't had a chance to pay attention to your … Lots of parents would like to let their children find out more organically. Choose a new target each year. My parents taught me to believe in Santa … Tell your children you're going to play a game where you pretend that Santa is real—that's still magical and fun. Close. Let us know in the comments what you tell them, and why. If your gestures look forced, that’s a clear indicator that you’re not being forthcoming. If you feel your child is ready for the truth, there are different ways to approach the conversation. Parents who had to tell your kid Santa isn’t real, how and why did you do it? Don't spoil it and wait a few more years until she is older to tell her. Thank you for shopping with Amazon. Sure they might come up with all kinds of scientific questions to which you might not know the answer.How could Santa do this? u/rangeraz03. I know a lot of kids around her age that still believe in Santa, so she isn't the only one. 7 comments. Before you immediately reinforce the concept of Santa, try to determine if your child is ready to let go of the idea of Santa or is just having some doubts. What to tell kids about Santa: One mom is sharing a way to talk about Santa with your children in a way that won't leave you all traumatized. Let’s say you decided, when your child was one or two, to tell him or her the Santa … “They might be tipped off earlier because there are always kids whose parents tell them the truth right off the bat,” says Rachael. Because being a Santa isn’t about getting credit but about unselfish giving. (If you’re really worried about this you can always be truthful with your child from the start and engage in pretend play: “Let’s pretend Santa is real and leave some cookies out for him!”) I was so shocked, I couldn’t believe it. And there are plenty of other ways to create magic and fun during the holidays, too. Even if you’re telling the truth, repeating your story out of order will be difficult. Say, “Now you’re ready to do your first job as a Santa!” and ask them to choose someone they know and figure out something that person wants or needs. If someone says Santa isn’t real to you, ask them to prove it! I imagine you will someday do this for your children, and I know you will love seeing them run down the Christmas magic stairs on Christmas morning. The answer is no. So, you say, Santa Claus isn’t real after all? From the ages of eight to 12, children may start to ask questions. Isn't it wonderful that Santa makes sure he never misses anyone?" I imagine someday you, Mati and Beckett will do this for your kids also, and I know you will find no greater joy than seeing their faces light up on Christmas, too. This thread is archived. Why You Shouldn’t Tell your Children that Santa Claus is Real. When should you tell kids the truth about Santa? And it may teach your kids to be more generous at the same time. In our case, I knew my daughter would thrive knowing she was part of the tradition. This mom wanted to find a way to tell her kids about Santa while still keeping the magic of Christmas alive, so she created this poem. share. When that time comes, you want to be prepared with the best explanation possible. As adults we know Santa Claus isn’t real, but many of us remember the disappointing day we discovered this was the case. Rehearse your gestures as well as your words. Santa is a teacher, and I have been his student, and now you know the secret of how he gets down all those chimneys on Christmas Eve: he has help from all … save hide report. Then, the newest Santa can get that item, wrap it and deliver it—all in secret. I spent an hour searching in the middle of the night for those darn cookies, ... and I blew it. and How could Santa do that?.But knowing all the answers to all their questions isn’t … ... and tell them at any age that Santa isn't real. Who are the parents telling their kids that Santa ... She didn’t really want to know that Santa was not real, ... “When I’m an adult I’m never going to tell my kids that Santa is not real. There is no one single Santa. ... Abby could join her parents in leaving the cookies out for Santa and leaving bits of chewed up carrot outside from ‘the reindeers’. Tough questions: How to talk to your kids about important issues Remember, when you tell your kid there is no Santa, your kid will run to school to tell another kid. I am the person who fills your stockings with presents, though. You've likely heard stories of young children finding out Father Christmas isn't real, or perhaps you remember the ... Eve by your parents. Once you know where your child's questions are coming from, you will know better how to respond. I know for sure that Santa isn’t real: This is how I know: I was looking on my mother’s emails (my sister had gotten a singing, dancing Olaf for Christmas) One of the emails was from Amazon, saying: Your order of: Singing Dancing Olaf has been confirmed. My daughter is a toddler who is afraid of those who dress up as Santa Claus; so, needless to say, we have not reached that point yet. Santa Claus is bigger than just a … Well, yes, I say, Santa is quite real. Explaining who "Santa" really is rather than simply saying he isn't real can help make the transition a lot easier. This could be followed by a bit of loose math showing how valuable the tickets are. I am not suggesting you should tell, or should not tell. Thank you for your letter. I am not Santa. Parents who had to tell your kid Santa isn’t real, how and why did you do it? You know, … How to answer kids’ questions about the Easter Bunny, Santa and tooth fairy. The other kids who’ve been telling you that Santa is “just your parents” are very wrong. But not in the way you’d know yet. 3. That answer obviously wasn't good enough for her, so she shouted, "SANTA ISN'T REAL, RANDI! These are five good reasons not to pretend that Santa is real with your children. Only you know when it’s time. 9 months ago. I don’t think there’s any real harm in perpetuating the Santa myth. Don’t be too rehearsed about it or your parents will know you’re lying. They can’t! Tell the historical story of Santa. I think you shouldn't spoil the secret, that is a little too young to tell her that he isn't real. ... that his favourite reindeer isn't Rudolph...) Every parent ... stop reading now and hand this to your parents. At one point for another, your kid will ask you this complicated question. She is on the brink of figuring this it on her own, however, so you might approach the truth gently by asking her how she thinks that Santa gets to all the children on one night - then explain that he has parent helpers. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. NOW TELL ME WHERE YOU GOT IT!!!!" How To Explain Santa To Your Child, From Parents Who've Been There. We talked for a bit, and he calmed down. 4 Heartwarming Letters to Explain Santa to Your Kids November 20, 2014 By Elisabeth Kruger 8 Comments There comes a time in every parent’s life where they have to have the dreaded “talk”. ... then he would know Santa wasn’t real. 81% Upvoted. Is Santa real? He wrapped it up with a very gentle, ‘Thank you for telling me the truth about Santa If you think the day of reckoning is approaching, time to read up on our tips and tricks for answering the question "Is Santa Real"? If you’re a parent who wants your kid to believe in Santa, you aren’t going to ruin their lives so long as you make it clear Santa will always be kind to them.

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