They’re found in tanks…, creating a community tank with multiple species, The 15 Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Catfish, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates…. Today, they’re a common species in the aquarium trade. It should be large enough to allow the eggs to fall through. However, its coloring is less bright, usually light gray with a big dark patch situated just behind the gills and with an iridescent silvery trim. The Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus), also known as the blind cave fish, blind cave characin, and blind cave tetra, is a freshwater fish of the family Characidae of the order Characiformes. By Selena Barrientos and Jamie Ballard. This fish species is affected by poor water conditions and a lackluster environment. Their unique look and consistent activity level make them a great species to spectate. Fishkeeping hobbyists may be interested in knowing that tetras owe their name from the fact that they possess a total of four unpaired fins. Because they are shoaling fish, we recommend that you keep a decent group of Black Skirt Tetras together. You can reduce the chances of Ich problems by performing water tests regularly and making the necessary changes. That’s why it’s a good idea to have some kind of grass or mesh netting. These fish are quite fun to own and we recommend them to fellow aquarists all the time. The most ideal homes for these fishes are biotope aquaria. Like any other freshwater fish, Black Skirt Tetras are prone to a variety of diseases. Like most common tetra species, this species doesn’t get very big at all. The Black Phantom Tetra will appreciate an open environment in which it will be able to swim freely. They sport black-colored fins.The females’ fins are distinguishably smaller and shorter. These fish helm from several bodies of water in South America. Otherwise, you can make use of glass marbles or plants with very fine leaves. Their bodies exhibit a fusiform or spindle-like appearance, meaning they have a round-like cross-section and tend to taper at each end. Under ideal living conditions, aquarium owners usually note doubling in population within less than fifteen months. Here are some important parameters to stick to when you’re setting up a tank for Black Skirt Tetras. Avid aquarists should know that this particular class is benthopelagic, meaning they require tropical temperatures in order to thrive, specifically between 72 – 82 degrees Fahrenheit or 22- 28 degrees Celsius. Black Skirt Tetras (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) are a unique addition to community tanks. Bud or heart rot commonly occurs in humid regions through fungal infection. Meanwhile, the dorsal fin is very small and squared off. Use the same water parameters and introduce some plants into the mix. If you’re planning on keeping them as pets, you’ll be happy to know that they tolerate flake food and micro pellet feeds really well. We support clinicians, patients and communities at large. Their anal fins are usually long, extending from just behind the dorsal fins towards their ventral caudal peduncles. To care for the fry aquarium, perform micro water changes weekly and if you wish, you may observe the fry and follow their progress with the aid of a magnifying glass. They’re readily available at many pet stores due to their massive popularity. However, the rear end of the fish tapers dramatically to the tail. Sexing these fish can be a bit tougher than other species. Black Skirt Tetras love snacks like bloodworms or brine shrimp. Also, a dimly lit aquarium will help enhance and emphasize the fish’s attractive coloring. Remember, these fish are active swimmers and need some room to move freely. It causes visible white lesions throughout the entire body. Sometimes, when fertile eggs are situated next to a heap of fungus-infected infertile eggs, they end up being affected as well. We say this because this species is prone to nipping at flowy fins of betta fish or angelfish. Medline is more than your business partner. The Black Phantom Tetra has a flat body which is characteristic to most tetras. Instead, siphon the fry through a one-half inch tube. They can be found in the Paraguay River Basin, throughout Brazil, and even in Argentina. The recommended tank size for Black Skirt Tetras is a minimum of 15 gallons. If possible though, go for a 20-gallon tank for good measure. Fishkeeping Advice is a member of the Amazon Affiliate Programme. They’re great tank mates for a betta as long as your tank is 10-gallons or more. However, if you’re planning on keeping two or more male tetras together, make sure that the tank space is large enough. It’s thicker towards the belly of the fish, creating a very quirky shape that stands out. Black Skirt Tetras are relatively easy to raise in captivity. Find tetra fish on sale at You may also give them bloodworms, both live and freeze-dried. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about Black Skirt Tetra care. They’re considerably taller at the front of the body. The black molly is an all-black fish with short fins. Plus, their long fins are the target of fin nippers. The ecosystem where these fish reside in the wild is teeming with life. Bacteria-carrying items may include substrate, plants, and furnishings. This will give them plenty of space for necessary activity. Black Skirt Tetras will scatter their eggs throughout the entire tank instead of choosing one spot. Aquariums with soft water and peat-filtering are recommend for these fishes. These include Black Widow Tetra, Petticoat Tetra, and Blackamoor. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In such a structure, the males will compete fiercely for the females’ attention. A larger group makes the fish feel more comfortable and confident in their surroundings. This will dramatically improve water quality in the long run. These will give them some variety and enrichment which will keep their stress levels low. The Tetra Cube Aquarium Kit is the perfect starter aquarium for kitchens, dormitories, classrooms, and offices. The same is true with their pelvic and anal fins. This will significantly affect the health of this species, and even lead to death. Keep the fry separate until they are large enough to not be consumed by other fish. These are the dorsal, caudal, anal and finally, the adipose fin. AquaScapeOnline, We sell online a wide selection of piranhas, stingrays, cichlids, plecos, catfish and rare oddball tropical fish. Even still, they are quite beautiful and stand out in well-kept aquariums. A normal Black Skirt Tetra size is around 3 inches long at full maturity. At this point, the male fish may start to chase the female around. Poor quality can lead to unnecessary stress or a wide range of diseases. These tetras can grow to a maximum of 1.75 inches or 4.5 centimeters in length. In most cases, poor water conditions are the primary cause of stress-related Ich. This species has a fairly large distribution with no known threats to their existence, making them ideal pets. The ideal setup is to have either a single pair or a school which consists of a single male and several females. It is also during this time that the difference between the colors of both genders become more obvious. You can add cave systems and driftwood as well. They will rarely exhibit signs of aggressive behavior no matter what the situation is. The most common are Dropsy, fin rot, and Fish Fungus. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. Contrary to the norm, female specimens tend to be slightly larger than males. White Skirt Tetra. Many hobbyists like to supplement dried or frozen food with live food. At the bottom of the tank, you can use a dark sandy substrate. They run vertically and complement the gradient quite nicely. One may keep these fishes in pairs or in schools of five. The Causes, Symptoms & Cures. Black Skirt Tetras love big plants that they can explore and swim through. Ideally, the water movement must be moderate. These fish have very distinct fin shapes. They’re often plumper in size as well. To ensure that your fish live to the end of their life, you need to maintain the tank and provide a stress-free habitat. It extends from the middle of the body down to the tail. In their natural habitats, tetras feed mostly on worms, tiny insects, and crustaceans. However, if you wish for your fishes to maintain a healthy, brilliant coloring, feed them live food like brine shrimp and mosquito larvae. Nevertheless, ensure that the sides and the back of the tank are densely planted. This helps us stay afloat and producing new content. Good water conditions are paramount when it comes to keeping your fish healthy. Hence, it is advisable to place them in a long fish tank, preferably at least 20 inches in length and if possible, with a volume of no less than 76 liters. Learn more. When you’re ready, separate a bonded pair and place them in the breeding tank. The differences between males and females are subtle. Most of these issues can be treated by improving water quality and using over-the-counter medications. Furthermore, unlike other tetras which need to be kept in groups, it is perfectly fine to keep these species by twos. This is especially true when the fish are breeding. Welcome to our website and discover more about us! Alternatively, a dim effect can be achieved by adding some floating plants into the tank. Black Skirt Tetras are also at risk for fungal and bacterial infections. These will give them some variety and enrichment which will keep their stress levels low. Are Black Phantom Tetras Aggressive? It’s a good idea to invest in a reliable water testing kit to be sure you’re getting accurate readings. It is important for fish-keepers to remember that anything that is introduced into the tank can be a possible carrier of infection and can potentially alter and threaten the balance in the aquatic environment. Tetra Images. A good rule of thumb for any fish is to replicate the water conditions of their natural habitat. These fish do not care for their eggs or the baby fish fry at all. Expect these tetras to wander off in all regions of the aquarium—top, side, bottom. In order to increase their chances of survival, it might be necessary to set up a separate aquarium for the fry. Two distinct black stripes are located on the front half of the body. To facilitate breeding, the pH value of the water must be lowered to 5.5 to 6. Ich is not too difficult to treat. The eggs will fall through to the bottom where they will be hidden from the adults as they continue to breed. On the bottom of the fish, you’ll notice a dramatic anal fin. Similar to most fishes, the Black Phantom Tetra is susceptible to parasitic infestations, bacterial infections, as well as skin flukes. Same as with the adults, the Black Phantom Tetra fry tend to thrive better when fed with correctly proportioned live food. The White Skirt Tetra is sometimes the victim of fish dyeing. These fish won’t go to the bottom of the tank very often, so this isn’t a huge decision. Black phantoms display a darker shade whenever they are defending their turf. Subdued lighting also helps. If he causes harm, separate the fish for the time being. As previously mentioned, the Black Phantom Tetra is a social species and it is typically non-aggressive. Another vital fact that breeders of Black Phantom Tetra should consider is that this fresh fish species tends to be egg-scattering, meaning it does not normally take care of its young. The goal is to make it difficult for the adult fish to feed on the eggs. I created this website to help fellow fishkeepers get accurate and helpful information at the click of a few buttons. In captivity, this species should do just fine with a diet of commercially-available dry food. The best way for you to prevent the incidence of any disease is to provide your pets with a healthy, well-balanced diet and to ensure that the aquatic environment is kept clean. These accessories can be used to hide the egg and provide some separation after the breeding process. This means that the plants and the furnishings and even the water chemistry should be made to simulate a natural setting. However, we recommend getting even more if you have space for them! In addition, the adipose fin can be described as fleshy in its appearance. Symptoms include bleeding patches leading to a reddish, brown liquid oozing out of the stem. The aquarium water, at least 30% of it, should be changed every other week, particularly if it is heavily stocked. The worst case scenario is that the two male fishes will end up ripping each other’s’ fins. The best way to go about this is by keeping the plants in the background and perimeter of the tank. Decorating the tank is where you can get a little creative! If you see that the eggs have rapidly grown opaque and have begun to resemble powder puff with white-colored threads protruding from them, then this is an indication that they are infected with fungus and are therefore infertile. Tetra Tech, Inc. Tetra Tech, Inc. is a leading global provider of high-end consulting and engineering services that focuses on water, the environment, sustainable infrastructure, resource management, renewable energy, and international development. You’ll be surprised to know that compared to their parents, young tetra fry exhibit a higher tolerance for crowded environments. Typically, the average Black Skirt Tetra lifespan is between 3 and 5 years in captivity. The eggs will hatch in 24 to 36 hours. The unique shape is made more dramatic by their fins. The sleek and seamless tank is as transparent as glass and provides a unique and exciting panoramic view of your personal underwater habitat. Try to avoid fish that show signs of aggression (the more peaceful the better). Once you notice that their edgings have grown very distinct, then you know that they’re in full defense mode.For such reasons, forming organic partitions like decorative plants may be necessary to separate each fish’s individual zone. The funny thing is that this species tends to nip when they have the opportunity as well. The base of the tank must be covered with a mesh to keep the eggs out of the adults’ reach. Belonging to the family Characidae, these fishes can be distinguished by the existence of a tiny adipose fin situated between their caudal fins and their dorsal fins. The bodies of water in South America that these fish live in are warm and slightly acidic. While other species of the Characidae family are known for being bright and colorful, these fish take on a darker appearance. These fish have tall dorsal fins and their tails are forked, with symmetrical lower and upper lobes. This is because the Black Phantom Tetra is quite a jumper. Initially, you have to feed them with small grade (as in 5 to 50 microns) of Paramecium protozoa. Infected fish must be separated from the rest of your fish and treated with a copper-based medicine. After they are done, return the adult fish to the main tank. You can set up a separate 10-gallon breeding tank. Dark-colored gravel and plant covers are also advised. The fish gets its unique name from the color’s gradient effect. They may also be prone to the protozoan Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. They will rarely exhibit signs of aggressive behavior no matter what the situation is. The only thing you need to be wary about is their actions around long-finned fish. Afterwards, commercial fry food may be given. This fin is usually a bit wider than the fin on females. We recommend the API Master Test Kit. Tropical fish for sale online. However, darker colors will accurately mimic the decaying leaves at the bottom of the streams they call home in the wild. Black Skirt Tetras are quite easy-going and peaceful. Another reason why aquarists just love the Black Phantom Tetra is because this species is very prolific. When keeping two male fishes together, expect the occurrence of mock fights. Now that you’re familiar with the principles of Black Skirt Tetra care, it’s time to get one for yourself! The rasbora is a shoaling fish that prefers to live with a school of 5 to 6 in a tank. In fact, it sometimes ends up eating its offspring. However, they may go off and do their own thing every once in a while before returning to the group. This is why it is advisable for fish-keepers to maintain a mixed-sex group. Other than that, Black Skirt Tetras can get along with other peaceful fish without any issues. Starting at around the middle of the body, that silver-gray color fades to a darker black. The plants shouldn’t be too dense. Purchases made through the Amazon links on our website will earn us a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Vegetable food and meaty food may also be included in their diet. Expect these black phantoms to display more aggressiveness during spawning. Your fish could experience Ich, which is a parasitic infection that’s brought on by stress. The Black Phantom Tetra has been observed to create brief dominance hierarchies. Black Phantom Tetra breeders should also understand that the eggs of these species are increasingly sensitive to fungal attacks and that increased lighting encourages the growth of fungi. Though, it’s highly contagious. If you plan on keeping a large group of Black Skirt Tetras or creating a community tank with multiple species, larger tanks are always better. Taller plants will ensure that the fish have places to hide without having to venture down to the bottom of the tank. Black Skirt Tetras typically stick to the middle of the aquarium. The males, on the other hand, hardly have any red coloring on them. These fish are active swimmers, so you need to provide plenty of space to prevent overcrowding. There have been some reported instances where these fish have outlived this average range, but it’s not common. Behavior & Temperament. As far as care requirements go, the White Skirts are virtually identical to those of the Black Skirt Tetra. Plastic grass mattings may sufficiently do the trick. This is because Black Skirt Tetras can become targets due to their passive nature. Black Skirt Tetras are quite easy-going and peaceful. It’s translucent with the head being lighter and more reflective than other parts of the body. If successful, the female will start laying up to 1,000 eggs all over the tank. The tailfin is quite thin and features a forked shape. The eggs will then sink to the bottom. Similarly, the water, Growing Brine Shrimp for Tropical Fish Food, 5 Best Hang On Protein Skimmers (Updated: 2021), Complete Betta Fish Care Guide For Beginners: Everything You Need, 13 Best Freshwater Fish For Your Home Aquarium, 12 Best Freshwater Algae Eaters For Your Aquarium, Swordtail Fish: Everything You Need To Know, Dropsy In Fish: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment, What Exactly Is Fin Rot? This quality also makes them ideal for newbie fish-keepers. In a couple of weeks, they will be big enough to consume baby brine shrimp. Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. This should be enough for a small group of fish to swim comfortably. Another extraordinarily convenient characteristic of the Black Phantom Tetra is that it is omnivorous, meaning you can feed it just about anything. As far as other species go, you have a lot of options when it comes to Black Skirt Tetra tank mates. Another essential tip is to ensure that the tank is safely covered. Keep an eye on the two fish and make sure that the male isn’t being too aggressive. It’s also possible that the fish can be found in Río Paraguay’s upper region, just before Paraguay. To facilitate breeding, the pH value of the water must be lowered to 5.5 to 6. The good thing is that these battles do not often result in injuries. You can provide nutrient-rich flakes or pellets for their main meals. Moreover, these fishes are proven to be sociable tank mates and are thus, highly recommended for community tanks. Fish hobbyists should know that these fishes may appear quite dull in a poorly arranged aquarium, but a backdrop of rich foliage can bring out the beauty of these water creatures. Similarly, the water hardiness should be brought below dH 4. If not dealt with promptly, Ich can be fatal. However, the dorsal fins of females are markedly blacker than those of the males’ and their patterning tends to be more pronounced. There are many different types of aquarium catfish out there. But, they do require vigilant care to stay healthy. In situations where this species has exceeded its expected lifespan, they’ve almost always been in a big group. Furthermore, unlike other tetras which need to be kept in groups, it is perfectly fine to keep these species by twos. One remarkable characteristic of the Black Phantom Tetra which makes it a favorite among aquarium hobbyists is their resilience. In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. When it comes to color, the fins are usually dark gray or black. This species is easy to please and don’t have any complex habitat requirements. A strong filtration system is a must. The baby fish will feed off the egg sac when they first emerge. You may introduce two specimens of the opposite sex in one small container and leave them there until you are able to detect the presence of eggs. We cover habitat requirements, water parameters, tank mates, breeding, and much more! They go by many different names. The origin of the Black Phantom Tetra can be traced back to South America, specifically in Brazil (in the river basins of Río Beni and Río Mamore at the Bolivian and Brazilian border) and in Bolivia (Río Guaporé). Meanwhile, the female black phantom tetra’s pelvic fins naturally show off a reddish hue. Your filter should be capable of keeping ammonia and nitrate levels relatively low and get rid of all forms of waste. We carry a large selection of tetra species including the beautiful cardinal and neon tetras. We recommend using a spawning mop, artificial grass, or a net. They have a general lifespan of 5 – 6 years. You must put their health first and stay on top of tank and water conditions to ensure that they live long and happy lives. However, you still need to abide by certain guidelines. Plants are one of the most important things to introduce into the aquarium. They are translucent and feature tiny rays. As far as their daily activity and behavior is concerned, these fish will spend most of their time swimming around the tank and generally being curious. In most cases, when arrested in the early stages, illnesses tend to affect only one or a handful of the specimens. Every pet owner should make it a point to research on various diseases affecting pet fishes so that they may be able to spot and stop the occurrence of any infection before it spreads. As previously mentioned, the Black Phantom Tetra is a social species and it is typically non-aggressive. Several days later, you can provide powdered fry food or infusoria. While they don’t produce a ton of waste individually, a large school can quickly alter the water quality. Their preferred pH range is an average of 6.5. Author Note: If none of these diseases sound particularly fun to you (spoiler alert: they aren’t) then your best bet is to become a water quality fanatic. However, it is important to note that these tetras are active swimmers. The chance of your fish getting sick goes way down if the water they live in is clean and taken care of. However, if you choose to add dried leaves into the substrate, you’ll need to replace them after a few weeks or else they’ll end up tingeing the water with a brownish coloring. Meanwhile, the recommended hardness range is an average of 10 dGH. The 3-gallon kit fits almost anywhere! Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See), 35 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank (Updated List). Even though these fish are rather tough, any significant shift in water parameters can lead to serious health issues. The Black Skirt Tetra is one of our favorite freshwater species for a few reasons. Visit us online today! However, with proper care, such wounds can heal in no time. It is very peaceful and makes a good community fish. You may obtain river sand with dried leaves to be used for the base, along with some driftwood roots. At the very least, you need a group of 5 fish to keep them happy. Here are some of our favorite compatible species that make good Black Skirt Tetra tank mates: Black Skirt Tetra breeding isn’t too difficult. These make great hiding spots for whenever the fish are feeling a bit shy or threatened. Author Note: It can be possible for these fish to end up smaller than 3 inches if they had poor care before you got them (or just bad genes). We recommend taller plans ideally. If you have any suggestions on ways we could improve this care guide please get in touch with us. A more natural-looking tank is more likely to lessen the stress among these creatures as they are kept in captivity. In the wild, the fish feed off the plants as well. Fluval Spec V Aquarium Kit, 5-Gallon While the redesigned SPEC stays true to its classic modern styling, this popular nano aquarium series features an impressive high-output 7000 K LED, which generates 20% brighter lighting performance for noticeably bolder fish colors and plant growth. That said, these black phantoms can be exceedingly tough and with a well-maintained tank, pet owners should encounter very minimal problems. A good quality water testing kit is an essential piece of equipment for this stage of the process. Like all other tetras, the Black Phantom Tetra male has an almost tetragonal shape. Their tank level is considered as mid-dweller. Black Skirt Tetras love snacks like bloodworms or brine shrimp. This is a schooling species, so they tend to stick together throughout the day and swim in unison. Our number one recommendation for flake food is TetraMin Tropical Flakes. However, it does require a bit of work. The rays aren’t as firm or pointy as you’d see on other fish species, but they are visible upon close inspection. In the wild, they will feed off plants and consume pretty much any insects they come across. River gravel works, too. Having some hardy ones in your tank can be a nice snack for your fish in between feedings. This particular species has the capacity to adapt superbly well to changes in water condition. Author Note: To improve water quality even more, we recommend replacing 25 to 50 percent of the water every other week. Feed the fish protein-rich live foods until you see the female start swelling up with eggs. High-quality flake food can be used as a supplement instead. Under favorable settings, eggs are seen immediately the morning after. Because they belong to the Characidae family, Black Skirt Tetras have that iconic tetragonal shape. This is an effective method for providing enough open space for this species. We’re constantly looking for new ways to make the information on our site even better! Also, note that these fishes are fit for Nano aquariums but not suitable for the brackish types. When the time comes that the young have grown large enough to be transferred to a bigger aquarium, refrain from using a net. Interesting facts about each president of the United States ... History & Hope: A celebration of Black history By Caroline Coles. These fishes need to be fed several times a day. Furthermore, in their breeding conditions, the bodies of the females are more noticeably plump. Black Skirt Tetra care shouldn’t be an issue for you, regardless of how much experience you have with fishkeeping or aquariums. Black Skirt Tetras aren’t picky when it comes to food. Published August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The White Skirt Tetra is a genetic morph of the Black Skirt Tetra. They prefer a planted tank and a good filtration system due to the amount of waste they create. So, you must breed them in a separate tank to prevent the adults from eating the babies. All you can do is provide them with the best care possible, and hope they grow big and strong! The type species of its genus, it is native to the Nearctic realm, originating in the lower Rio Grande and the Neueces and Pecos Rivers in Texas, as well as the central and eastern parts of Mexico. For that reason, we recommend avoiding any long-finned fish species. Not only do they have an interesting look that sets them apart from other fish in your tank, but they’re also a piece of cake to take care of. This makes them an approachable option for aquarists of all skill levels! Like most tetras, they are not difficult to keep in captivity, making them highly recommended pets for household aquaria. I love sharing my tips and tricks to help make you a better fishkeeper, so stay updated by following us on Social Media! Otherwise, there might be problems concerning the claiming of territory. The Hyphessobrycon megalopterus, more commonly known as the Black Phantom Tetra is a freshwater fish that’s highly popular among pet owners and aquarium aficionados. Crowntail Betta 101: Care, Lifespan, Facts & More! The tissues under the lesions rot, turn yellow to black, and disintegrate to a dry powdery mass. Males can be identified by looking at the anal fin. Color: Orange to Pink Body, Distinct Black Triangle, and Red Hue Fins Level: Beginner Tank Size: 10-Gallons or More. They are easily available and are generally inexpensive. However, it should also be small enough so as to prevent the adults from getting through. When you’re arranging vegetation in their tank, don’t overdo it! You may keep them in a breeding tank with a minimum size of 3 gallons during the first one and a half months. When old lesions stop oozing, the fluid dries and turns black. During such instances, one may observe that the males will stretch out their dorsal fins and their anal fins while they are gauging each other. The male has a pointed anal fin and larger dorsal fin whereas the female has a pregnancy spot. Then, when the fry are big enough to tolerate them, you may begin introducing microworms into their diet.

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