Thunderbolt is a character from 101 Dalmatians. Thunderbolt made a physical appearance in "Watch for Falling Idols", where he and his creators arrive on the Dearly Farm to film their next episode. Lars was purely golden. Tommy is then rescued and Thunderbolt saves the day. The film has some songs, too: "Seeing Spots" with a touch of "Dalmation Plantation" (the end song of the first film, remember?) Grrr-reat! Lightning and Thunderbolt! Yes, the movie continues where it ended in the first one, but the problem is that it plays out much like the original. Being called a fraud, ticks, frogs, heights, Lil' Lightning's betrayal All in all, a hugely disappointing sequel to the most memorable of the 60s Disney movies along with Jungle Book. por | jan 10, 2021 | Sem categoria | 0 Comentários | jan 10, 2021 | Sem categoria | 0 Comentários Bethany Cox. … They also have to deal with another villain as well, Lil' Lightning, who is Thunderbolt's on-screen sidekick. The endearing tale of Disney's animated classic 101 Dalmatians continues to unfold in the delightful, all-new 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure. Chapter 2, 101 Dalmatians: The Series: Cadpig • Spot • Mooch • Tripod • Scorch • Lieutenant Pug • Mayor Ed Pig • Dumpling • Cornelia • Swamp Rat • Cydne • Steven • Persian Pete • Vendella De Vil • Go-Go • Blaze • Cave Pup • Rebecca • The Vandercreams • Amber Dearly • P.H. Lucky also claims to have seen all of Thunderbolt's movies. Thunder 101 dalmatians 2 thunderbolt and patch. Deleted: Don't Buy a Parrot from a Sailor • March of the One Hundred and One • Cheerio, Good-Bye, Toodle-oo, Hip Hip! His trailer in London :). The good thing is that in the movie Patch proves just how brave he can be and shows that windbag wonderdog Thunderbolt what a real hero is. De Vil • Cecil B. 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure: Thunderbolt • Lil' Lightning • Lars They spend time acting like heroes around London but when Cruella De Vil returns and captures his siblings, Thunderbolt and himself, he learns Thunderbolt is just a television star and all the powers and villains on TV were fake. He looks up to his father as his role model especially after he was rescued by him. 's London Adventure. Cruella De Vil, Jasper and Horace, Lil' Lightning, Dirty Dawson In the end, thanks to Thunderbolt, Dawson is nabbed and brought to justice. I think "101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure" is a very, very impressive sequel to the original. However, Thunderbolt is only pretending and as Dawson laughs about this, Thunderbolt then attacks. 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure (2002 Video) Plot. Strength, speed, barks He is Thunderbolt's former sidekick andbest friend. The straight-to-video sequel follows young Patch on a journey where he meets up with Thunderbolt, a TV-star canine, and runs into trouble stemming from a certain antagonist and her lackeys. External Reviews Books: Disney Wonderful World of Reading • Classic Storybook • Golden Sound Story • Disney Princess Beginnings, Entertainment: Disney Classics: The Music & The Magic • The Golden Mickeys • Villains Tonight! When Thunderbolt's trusty sidekick Lightning reveals that the show's producers are on the lookout for a new star, Thunderbolt with Patch in tow struts out into the real world to … The adventure begins when Pongo and Perdita's pup Patch, who is not satisfied being just one out of 101, gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Thunderbolt, the One-Of-A-Kind Wonderdog. Patch gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Thunderbolt. 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure The adventure begins when Pongo and Perdita's pup Patch, who is not satisfied being just one out of 101, gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Thunderbolt, the One-Of-A-Kind Wonderdog. Thunderbolt and his human in The Further Adventures of Thunderbolt. Concrete and funny facts makes it easy to understand and enjoy. When is Disney going to stop boring us with sequels and re-do's etc.. etc. First of all, I didn't like the animation, very Saturday-morning-cartoon, only worse in some scenes. Awards Patch feels unimportant being that he is said to be just another one of the 99 puppies. I liked some of the characters, namely Thunderbolt and Patch, but the other characters, like Cruella were mediocre. Patch may be the most mischievous of the 99 puppies. Short films Meanwhile, Lil' Lightning tells Thunderbolt the producers want to replace him with a younger dog. The only sequel that really stood out to me that was up to the same level as the first was the Lion King sequels. February 2021. 1st watched 2/2/2003 - 4 out of 10(Dir-Jim Kammerud & Brian Smith): Drab and un-spectacular supposed sequel to the original classic animated `101 Dalmatians.' Likes 101 Dalmatia I finally decided to watch this 2003 sequel this month, but when it turned out that I wasn't impressed with it, I was not surprised. Lars' main style of art is shown to be black spots on a white surface, … Quote Fortunately, Thunderbolt notices Lucky in trouble and, pushing his fears aside, manages to rescue his young fan. Thunderbolt fan. Patch, Lucky, Rolly, Cadpig, Spot, Pongo, Perdita, Dalmatian Puppies, Lars, Lil' Lightning (formerly) The adventure begins when Pongo and Perdita's pup Patch, who is not satisfied being just one out of 101, gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Thunderbolt, the One-Of-A-Kind Wonderdog. When Thunderbolt's trusty sidekick Lightning reveals that the show's producers are on the lookout for a new star, Thunderbolt with Patch in tow struts out into the real world to perform true acts of heroism. The adventure begins when Pongo and Perdita's pup Patch, who is not satisfied being just one out of 101, gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Thunderbolt, the One-Of-A-Kind Wonderdog. 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure. The adventure begins when Pongo and Perdita's pup Patch, who is not satisfied being just one out of 101, gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Thunderbolt, the One-Of-A-Kind Wonderdog. Patch is the most prominent of the Dalmatian puppies in the 101 Dalmatians franchise.. Still, I don't really have much to say about it. Man, I am not a big fan of Disney sequels of the old classics, but today I watched the DVD feature of this "101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure", and I was amazed! When Patch the puppy notices a mouse in the house, he pretends to be his TV hero, Thunderbolt the Dog, and leads the fifteen pups on a wild chase after the 'bandit.' Thunderbolt is a character from One Hundred and One Dalmatians and the deuteragonist of the 2003 sequel 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure. Feature films There are two sequels to Disney classics that I prefer to the original. Wow, one of the best voice work ever in my opinion! Anita, now voiced very obviously by the one and only Jodi Benson, scolds Roger to get to work while he prances aroun… When Thunderbolt's trusty sidekick Lightning reveals that the show's producers are on the lookout for a new star, Thunderbolt with Patch in tow struts out into the real world to perform true acts of … Great. 1 Appearances 1.1 One Hundred and One Dalmatians 1.2 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure 1.3 101 Dalmatians: The Series 2 Gallery Thunderbolt is the puppies' favorite show on TV. Lucky agrees with Thunderbolt and they reconcile. The last time I watched it was earlier this year, and I still found it very impressive, but certainly wasn't in a hurry to see its sequel too soon after that. Better than the live films and the TV show.... A bland and boring film, but since it's another Disney direct-to-video sequel, that's not surprising. Introduction: This story takes place after the end of 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure. Patch heads for the audition to meet his hero. The question is: why did Disney wait forty-one years to release such a paltry product? It's also one of the Disney features I remember seeing as a kid in the '90s. It's not quite as long as the hiatus for the "Mary Poppins" sequel, "Mary Poppins Returns" which was fifty-four years later, but it was still a long break. I think the movie would've fared a lot better with a modern face lift; well, that and a plot that was markedly different than the first movie. Being one of 101 takes its toll on Patch, who doesn't feel unique. She has a blue bow, and a blue collar with diamonds. 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure - Reviews Television programs Enemies Sorry, I can only give this a 3/10, it just wasn't my cup of tea. They suck all the blood out of you! Source The first dog out of the three is a poodle with white-grayish fur. Finally, he does become a one-of-a-kind wonder dog after rescuing his 98 brothers and sisters from Cruella De Vil and her henchmen. Here, the story is certainly a good part of the film, but the magic is not present in large amounts like in the predecessor. Laugh! Thunderbolt is the Dalmatian pups' favorite TV show hero. In some scenes, it shows Thunderbolt making a leap across a canyon before it seems like Dawson has shot Thunderbolt. 101 Dalmatians: The Series. TV Series: 1-0-1 • Dalmatian Vacation • Surf Puppies • I Got My Pups with Me • It's a Dog's Life • In the House • Dolly's Rap • Dogs are Out for Summer Sun • It's a Prank • We're Sending You Love Also, what became of Thunderbolt's slimeball sidekick Little Lightning? It is up to Thunderbolt and Lil' Lightning to defeat him before any harm befalls Tommy. Being one of 101 takes its toll on Patch, who doesn't feel unique. Yes! Occupation Pongo: (narrating) They were awesome! It kept the spirit and fun of the first, didn't get too sticky sweet, and just had a good time with itself. TV Series: 101 Dalmatians: The Series • 101 Dalmatian Street Minions Patch is one of the larger pups in Pongo and Perdita's litter. THEY SUCK ALL THE BLOOD OUT OF YOU!" There were some good moments, but the whole plot seemed bloated for me, and highly suggestive of an extended TV episode. After the new episode of The Thunderbolt Adventure Hour with Patch … | We made it boiz . FAQ I think that Patch's story tells the story of anyone in the world who's wanted to be special. User Ratings ....but that's about it. But, with ... is kind of lame, but I thought it was almost right up there with the original 101 Dalmations film. The two pursue Dawson, but the thief uses explosives to cause an avalanche, blocking their path and allowing him to take some sacks of money from a wagon, which may be why Thunderbolt is chasing him. Thunderbolt's Fans are female dog characters from 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure.They are very obsessed devotees of Thunderbolt.. It fits the world of 101 Dalmatians a whole lot better than the songs in Cinderella 2 or Bambi 2, anyway. Dislikes 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure. Watch it and you'll like..."and if at first you don't succeed, TRY AGAIN"! Puppies, puppies and more puppies are packed into this entertaining and exciting sequel to Disney's classic, 101 Dalmatians. It freaks you out, give you an anxious of singing together while you laugh with the movie scenes. He also appears in the Dodie Smith novel. Lucky thanks Thunderbolt who tells him that a hero isn't one who fears nothing, but is one who is willing to overcome his fears. ... 1 101 Dalmatians Wiki; 2 Patch/Gallery; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. video. The adventure begins when Pongo and Perdita's pup Patch, who is not satisfied being just one out of 101, gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Thunderbolt, the One-Of-A-Kind Wonderdog. A veritable reference book to Thunderbolt's many adventures, Patch provides the perfect guide for Thunderbolt in his attempts at real-life heroics. In order to save his job, Thunderbolt decides he will go into the real world and perform an … The film is great. Thunderbolt 1 Opening/ "I See Spots"/Packing Up 2 Cruella meets Lars 3 Patch meets Thunderbolt 4 Twilight Bark 5 Road Chase in London 6 Final Battle 7 Ending ( (In London, England at the Radcliffe apartment) Pongo (V.O): It seems like such a short time ago, that my pet and I were just lazing about in our little London flat, living the humdrum bachelor life and wishing thing weren't so very, very dull. This animation is good. There are also a number of villains in the said show, such as Bone Daddy, Doctor Wonko, the Masked Marauders, and even his evil twin. Dawson is able to reach a ledge and as Thunderbolt's branch is about to snap, his human, the sheriff, is able to use his lasso to save him. • "Walkies on the Wild Side" • "May Contain Nuts" • "Winter Funderland" • "Snow Day" • "Perfect Match" • "All Fired Up" • "Poetry Scam" • "Crushed Out" • "Girls' Day Out" • "The Woof Factor" • "The Nose Job" • "My Fair Dolly" • "Flea-Mageddon" • "A Right Royal Rumble" • "Dal-Martians" • "A Date with Destiny... Dallas and Déjà Vu" • The Wow of Miaow • Fear Window • The Dog House • A Summer to Remember • Long Tongue Day • Doggy Da Vinci • London, We Have a Problem • It's My Party • Fox in the Dog House • Fetch • Don't Push Your Luck • The Curse of the Ferrydog • The Walls Are Alive • Diamond Dogs • Ride Along • Poodlewolf • The Longest Night • Balancing Act • Dawkins Strikes Back • Poodlefall! Video Games: Animated StoryBook: 101 Dalmatians • Math Antics with Disney's 101 Dalmatians • Disney Hotshots: Disney's 101 Dalmatians • 101 Dalmatians: Escape from DeVil Manor • 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue • 102 Dalmatians: Activity Center • 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure • Kingdom Hearts He is a famous German Shepherd TV wonder dog. When he's accidentally left behind on moving day, he meets his idol, Thunderbolt, who enlists him on a publicity campaign. Cruella magnific de Vil. Do you hear me? "101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure" is a far cry from its classic predecessor but is not completing lacking in watchability. I was very unimpressed with Cinderella 2 and Jungle Book 2, but this is possibly worse than both titles. I thought the timing of the film was very good but but not as long as the original. Cruella was truly villainous in the original, but she lost her quality in the sequel. • Dotty Dancing • Yappily Ever After • D-Factor • Puppy Dreams • Dante's Inferno • Better The De Vil You Know • The De Vil Wears Puppies, Animated Storybook: I Love Fur • Puppies, Oh, Puppies • Twilight Bark • Up the Stair • Cover Yourselves with Soot 1 Appearances 1.1 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure 1.2 Video games 2 Trivia 3 Gallery Cruella first meets Lars when she stumbles into an art house show. This is one of the great things of fandoms: ... he tried to remember all the good times that he made success when he did real life heroics and made the premiere of The Thunderbolt And Patch Adventure Hour with Thunderbolt's help. However, when Lucky later finds out that Thunderbolt doesn't do his own stunts (after Thunderbolt panics from being lifted off the ground, due to his fear of heights), he shuns Thunderbolt and loses faith in him. However, when Roger, Anita, and the 101 Dalmatians plan to move to the Dalmatian Plantation, the family move will interfere with Patch's opportunity – until he is accidentally left behind in the commotion. 10 januari, 2021 In Okategoriserade. That's never a good recipe for success. Let's face it, the first was revolutionary as well as a classic all-time, this one, well, let's just say it's not as good, but it's still pretty entertaining, even though the story was a bit like the first one. 102 Dalmatians: Chloe Simon • Kevin Shepherd • Jean-Pierre Le Pelt • Dottie • Little Dipper • Domino • Oddball • Fluffy • Drooler • Chomp • Digger • Waddlesworth • Ewan, ABC Episodes: "Home is Where the Bark Is" • "He Followed Me Home" • "Love 'Em and Flea 'Em" • "Howl Noon" • "Easy on the Lies" • "Two for the Show" • "An Officer and a Gentledog" • "Bad to the Bone" • "Southern Fried Cruella" • "Swine Song" • "Watch for Falling Idols" • "The High Price of Fame" • "The Great Cat Invasion" • "No Train, No Gain" • "Rolly's Egg-Celent Adventure" • "Wild Chick Chase" • "The Dogs of DeVil" • "Dog's Best Friend" • "A Christmas Cruella" • "Out to Launch" • "Prophet and Loss" 101 Dalmatians 2 Patchs London Adventure DVD from DVDLand. ", (Post Credit Scene: it shows Dirty Dawson laughing maniacally in a desert, until Thunderbolt and Patch barks and all the other Dalmatians formed a stampede.). Halloween Parade • Scream and Shout Halloween Parade • The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime • Villains Mix and Mingle • Villains Night Out! Barry Bostwick (101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure)Frank Welker (101 Dalmatians: The Series) He is my most favorite dalmatian puppy of the franchise! I know. Let's Go Luna! When he's accidentally left behind on moving day, Patch runs away and meets his hero, Thunderbolt. video. In "Dog's Best Friend," Blaze claims he was up for the role of "Young Thunderbolt," but Thunderbolt ended up playing the role himself. Being one of 101 takes its toll on Patch, who doesn't feel unique. But I just watched 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure, and I have to say that I had so much fun watching this movie. Before the episode is filmed, Thunderbolt is seen relaxing in a hot tub inside his trailer, where he is idolized by Lucky, who even waits on him. I loved watching Thunderbolt, Patch's hero, try to save the day and he ends up ruining it, but he just thinks he's doing a good job. The adventure begins when Pongo and Perdita's pup Patch, who is not satisfied being just one out of 101, gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Thunderbolt, the One-Of-A-Kind Wonderdog. Background information I disliked this movie because when i was aged 2- 6 i always watched the original and loved it but when i saw this version in my mind it spoilt the joy of the original. When Thunderbolt's trusty sidekick Lightning reveals that the show's producers are on the lookout for a new star, Thunderbolt with Patch in tow struts out into the real world to perform true acts of heroism. He has cream-colored paws and a blue leather collar with a license of a lightning bolt. • One Hundred and One • The Creation of Cruella De Vil, Being called a fraud, ticks, frogs, heights, Lil' Lightning's betrayal, "I hate ticks! Thunderbolt also appears in "Kanine Krunchies" advertisements (including the one from the original film) and even stars in his own film. Syndicated Episodes: "You Slipped a Disk" • "Chow About That?" Interesting. THEY SUCK ALL THE BLOOD OUT OF YOU!". One-hundred and one percent perfect! What she said was nothing at all to write home about and her animation was kind of ugly. Powers and abilities When Thunderbolt's trusty sidekick Lightning reveals that the show's producers are on the lookout for a new star, Thunderbolt with Patch in tow struts out into the real world to perform true acts of … ", (Post Credit Scene: it shows Dirty Dawson laughing maniacally in a desert, until Thunderbolt and Patch barks and all the other Dalmatians formed a stampede.).