This DNA has a membrane protecting it from the outside. make a protective coat called a capsid. They have a relatively simple cell structure in comparison to eukaryotes. The cell structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are different and that the impact and mechanism of viruses attacking them is different as well. O’Donnell, M., Replisome architecture and dynamics in E. coli, J. Biol. There is no known virus that can infect every animal on earth. Icosahedral capsids, for example, often contain small triangles made from just three proteins. Start studying Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells. How many flagella do prokaryotic cells have? What was the deadliest battle of World War I? A virus carries just enough genetic information to replicate itself inside prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells by hijacking the cell's internal reproduction mechanisms. Viruses are much, much smaller than prokaryotes.Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells are both alive, while viruses are not.Viruses have very few organelles, similar to the prokaryotic cells.They contain a plasma membrane, cell wall, RNA or DNA, and a protein capsule. This is accomplished by the use of control systems comprised of three parts: receptor, control center, and effector. Endocytosis is a process in which a substance is surrounded by the cell membrane, and then released into the cell. and Darst, S.A., Bacterial RNA polymerases: the whole story. Prokaryotes include several kinds of microorganisms, such as bacteria and cyanobacteria. In eukaryotes cells, the virus has receptors for the cells that it can attack. 593, 470–478 (2001). Read more about the editorial team, authors, and our work processes. Ben-Shem, A., Jenner, L., Yusupova, G., and Yusupov, M., Crystal structure of the eukaryotic ribosome, Science 330, 1203–1209 (2010). The injected genetic material recruits the host cell's enzymes. They simply hijack other cells and turn them into virus factories. 1 See answer lrcm3anchyouDanique is waiting for your help. However, viruses aren’t all bad; infections help to shape the way our bodies work. - some prokaryotes (e.g. A virus carries just enough genetic information to replicate itself inside prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells by hijacking the cell's internal reproduction mechanisms. They destroy loose genetic code and send signals to the immune system to let it know about the infection. The most common effectors are muscles and glands. Some of them, such as SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, cause disease. Image: “Diagram of cellular iron homeostasis. Examples are the viruses showing icosahedral symmetry.” by Y_tambe. … Eukaryotic cells, whether unicellular or multicellular, are vastly more complex than prokaryotic cells. Curr. The accumulation of all of these platelets results in the formation of a clot in order to seal off the injury. Some of their most important genes provide the instructions to build proteins that. Prokaryotic Cells, Eukaryotic cells and HIV: Structures, Transcription and Transport Section Handout Discussion Week #7 Compare and contrast the organization of eukaryotic, prokaryotic and HIV genomes: Human E. coli HIV size 3.3 x 109 bp 4.6 X … How It Works © 2021. These read the genetic code and use it as a template to assemble proteins. We will do viruses together after the other cells. But, viruses have. Eukaryotic cells are generally bigger — up to 10 times bigger, on average, than prokaryotes. Biol. Nerve impulses will also be sent to your skeletal muscles, which will cause shivering, as well as to the smooth muscle associated with hair follicles in the skin, causing ‘goosebumps’. Made from a small strand of genetic code and covered with a tiny protein shell, they can’t ‘live’ on their own. ‘Lysogenic’ viruses release new virions one by one, allowing the host cell to survive and reproduce. Prokaryotic cells . The cytosol houses the enzymes of various pathways, for example, those of glycolysis. Marakami, K.S. The hypothalamus makes a comparison between the sensory inputs and your body’s temperature setpoint, and then it transmits motor output responses to the blood vessels in your skin in order to decrease their diameter. Therefore, the recruitment of platelets ultimately causes the recruitment of even more and more platelets. Chem. Prokaryotes are simple, single-celled organisms that do not have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. Learn vocabulary, terms, and … start your molecular and cell biology course now for free! The plasma membrane, cytoplasm, DNA, and ribosomes are key components of prokaryotic cells. Lecturio is using cookies to improve your user experience. A third common example is a human body retaining a temperature of 98.6°F. Bacteria known as prokaryotes, and virus those infect them known as bacteriophage. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have a cell membrane. This article was originally published in How It Works issue 115, written by Laura Mears, For more science and technology articles, pick up the latest copy of How It Works from all good retailers or from our website now. It then enters and replicates its genetic material in the nucleus and spreads its influence which when unmitigated tempers with the metabolism of the organism. All rights reserved. An example of homeostasis in the human body is the release of insulin by the pancreas when the glucose levels get too high. Once inside the cell, the virus finds the nucleus, where the host cell’s DNA is located. ruses are the tiniest biological replicators on the planet, roughly 100-times smaller than bacteria. Viruses: Viruses are a family of pathogens that infect a host by replicating the viral genome in them. Using state-of-the-art tools, scientists have described a million-atom 'tail' that bacteriophages use to … It is proton-gradient driven, capable of rotary movement and attachment to host cells and other surfaces. The vast majority of bacteria are unicellular, with a notable exception being that some can form colonies of independent cells or filaments. Viruses can infect both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cellsare both alive, while viruses are not. WANT TO SWITCH TO VIDEO LECTURES RIGHT NOW? License: CC BY-SA 3.0. Most often, the control center is a portion of the nervous system or an endocrine gland. Add your … Viruses are much, much smaller than prokaryotes. A virus is classified according to its genetic material into either a DNA or RNA virus, with RNA viruses forming the vast majority. Your job is to use the book to find differences between the cells. What are the parts of a virus? This allows viruses to remain inside cells for a long time, staying dormant and then reactivating later, a property known as latency. A. nonenveloped virus, B. enveloped virus. Some viruses can jump species, like the swine flu which … On a hot day or when you exercise, an increase in body temperature is detected by both the skin’s sensory receptor and your hypothalamus. These triangles slot together to make a 20-sided ball that covers the viral genome. In addition to the nucleus that encodes genes, eukaryotes possess an endoplasmic reticulum, studded on its outer surface with ribosomes where the synthesis of many of their cellular components occurs. We have adapted the code to make new proteins that help to fuse cell membranes together to form the placenta. Cytosol also contains the cytoskeleton, which is a microscopic network of protein filaments that serve to give the cell its shape and the ability to migrate. Homeostasis example in the human body: Temperature regulation. VIRUSES . The control center is the structure that interprets input from the receptor and initiates changes through the effector. They are small protein particles and are only able to replicate inside of the cells they infect. But, viruses have evolved ways to evade these defences. This article was originally published in How It Works issue. Another example is that of regulating blood clotting following damage to a blood vessel. Ans. Those viruses that do not enter the cell must inject their contents (genetic instructions, enzymes) into the host cell. They do this by attaching to molecules on the cell surface. Receptors typically are comprised of nerve cells (e.g. Login. These triangles slot together to make a 20-sided ball that covers the viral genome. This crystal-like patterning means that viruses only need a few genes to make a complete shield. Icosahedral capsids, for example, often contain small triangles made from just three proteins. The infected cell stops making its own proteins and starts reading virus code and assembling virus proteins. Your email address will not be published. The remaining two families of reverse-transcribing viruses, Metaviridae and Pseudoviridae, include RT-encoding elements that are traditionally not even considered viruses but rather retrotransposons because they normally do not infect new cells, although it has been suggested that Gypsy elements of Drosophila are infectious (Kim et al., 1994, Song et al., 1994). Freeman (2008). Read more about the editorial team, authors, and our work processes. Inside of the cell, their metabolic functions occur regionally, without rigid limitations or localization (an important feature of eukaryotic cells). Homeostatic mechanism: Calcium regulationImage: “Overview of calcium regulation” by Mikael Häggström. Ebola, Marburg and HIV all harm the immune system. Some enveloped viruses can dissolve right through the cell membrane of the host because both the virus envelope and the cell membrane are made of lipids. Eukaryotes possess other organelles, such as lysosomes and peroxisomes, which function as the digestive system of the cell. ... During viral replication, before a virus enters its host cell, it must first. A homeostatic mechanism involving the nervous system provides a relatively quick means of responding to change. Outside the host cell, they exist in a form known as a virion, which is comprised of DNA or RNA enclosed in a protein capsid, or in some cases enveloped in a matrix of lipids derived from the host cell’s membrane. It then enters and replicates its genetic material in the nucleus and spreads its influence which when unmitigated tempers with the metabolism of … The viral genome then enters the cell’s production line and quickly begins manufacturing three main types of protein. Johansson, E. and MacNeill, S.A., The eukaryotic replicative DNA polymerase takes shape, Trends Biochem. Today we are going to be discussing the main differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. the hard work of our editorial board and our professional authors. © 24/03/2020. Viruses are clever; they make up for their genetic shortfall by borrowing from the cells they infect. They are typically 10-100mm in diameter, and thus have a thousand to a million times more volume than prokaryotic cells. Prokaryote, Eukaryote, & Viruses. The impact of viruses i.e. They are capable of more advanced functions. [The editorial overview of a series of authoritative reviews on numerous aspects of RNA polymerases. The viruses that inhabit mammalian hosts can be subdivided into bacteriophages, which infect prokaryotic cells; eukaryotic viruses, which infect host and other eukaryotic cells; and virus-derived genetic elements, which can incorporate into host chromosomes and result in the generation of infectious virus at a later date. - the cell wall supports the cell and prevents it from changing shape. They have two enzymes, reverse transcriptase and integrase. murein is a glycoprotein (a protein with a carbohydrate attached). Campbell, N.A. These bacteriophage infect the bacterial cells, use their cell machinery, replicate into millions and then burst off from cells. Their genomic material can also be either single-stranded or double-stranded in nature and are either linear or circular. Viruses have a nucleic acid(DNA or RNA) whereas prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have both nucleic acids. Struct. List three differences between these two types of cells. Some viruses have two strands of DNA like us, others get by with just one strand, and some carry their genes as RNA. Some viruses also carry the code to make an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which allows them to convert RNA into DNA inside a living cell. How can viruses be distinguished from eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms? When the new virus particles are complete, the virus needs a way to release them to infect more cells. All Rights Reserved. Sci. Prot. yes, bacteria (prokaryotes) get infected just like plants and animals do (eukaryotic) For viruses to reproduce they need a _____ _____. ease of infection, defense plans, etc. Studies of the human genome have revealed that around eight per cent of our genetic code actually came from viruses. The stimulus of her baby suckling promotes the release of oxytocin hormone, which will stimulate the breast glands to secrete milk. ‘Lytic’ viruses simply burst out, releasing all their virions in one huge pop and killing the cell in the process. to do this they use their attachment … Diseases that may result from this imbalance include heart failure, dehydration, diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, among many others. Many viruses cause disease, diverting healthy cells away from their normal activities. Viruses are considered neither eukaryotes nor prokaryotes. New viruses are discovered every year. For example, parathyroid hormone regulates your blood calcium levels in a process that is paramount to the functioning of your muscles and nerve cells. Phage adsorption occurs in two steps. ), Benjamin/Cummings (2008). What is a prokaryotic cell? Chem. Some of their most important genes provide the instructions to build proteins that make a protective coat called a capsid. Several steps during the life cycle of a prokaryotic virus can be distinguished that are common to all viruses: adsorption, separation of nucleic acids from protein coat, expression and replication of the nucleic acids, virion assembly, release and transmission . Cells do attempt to defend themselves from this type of attack. The type of damage a virus does depends on the cells it infects, the way it interferes with molecular machines and the way it releases new virions. The impact of viruses i.e. They contain a core of genetic material which is either RNA or DNA. The nucleus contains chromatin, which is a complex of DNA and histone proteins, and the nucleolus (the site of ribosome synthesis). Viruses are the tiniest biological replicators on the planet, roughly 100-times smaller than bacteria. Viruses do not qualify as cells yet affect cells and so exist as if on a bridge between the living and nonliving. ), Chapter 5, W.H. Retroviruses leave a permanent mark on DNA, and the results of ancient infections have been passed from parent to child for thousands of years. When the process is completed, the cell will release the new viruses which will then infect other cells. Alternatively, it might trick the cell into pulling the virus into a membrane-covered sphere known as an endosome. [Describes some of the challenges of classifying microbial organisms among the three domains. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are similar in several ways. Start studying Microbiology 806 Exam 1 (Dr Martains: WCTC)1. What your goal is today . While in another case, unlike previous method, their genetic material … ease of infection, defense plans, etc. The first are enzymes that enable the virus to construct more copies of its own genes. Prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria can be infected by viruses, known as bacteriophages. ], Lodish, H., Berk, A., Kaiser, C.A., Krieger, M., Scott, M.P., Bretscher A., Ploegh, H., and Matsudaria, P., Molecular Cell Biology (6th ed. For example, your blood pressure must be regulated when you rise up from a night’s sleep in the morning. Rod-like structures named pili are present in some bacteria. Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, & Viruses Tutorial Prokaryotes Characteristics of prokaryotic cells. DNA is the genetic constituent of the cell and is present in the nucleoid. Eukaryotic cells, whether unicellular or multicellular, are vastly more complex than prokaryotic cells. Following a break or a tear in a vessel, platelets soon begin to attach to the site of injury and release chemicals that attract even more platelets. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites--meaning that they require host cells to reproduce. Our medical articles are the result of This DNA or RNA may be single or double-stranded. Become fluent in medicine with video lectures and Qbank. CLEAR AND SIMPLE- Understand the similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells have their DNA loose within the cytoplasm. Rothwell, P.J. After entering the body (in the case of coronavirus, this is thought to occur … Opin. The first step of adsorption to a defined cell surface structure (after initial … Prokaryotes are mostly unicellular organisms that lack nuclei and membrane-bound organelles. They are classified into bacteria and archaea. Prokaryotes widely range in size, largely due to the basic three morphologies they can present: spheroidal (cocci), rod-like (bacilli), and coiled (spirilla). Viruses are oldest, and they were created to transport genetic information between eukaryotes or their ancestors. Bacteria known as prokaryotes, and virus those infect them known as bacteriophage. Biochem. The hypothalamus will transmit motor input to the blood vessels in the skin to dilate, which effectively allows more blood to be brought to the surface of your body and heat will be released. - just like in a eukaryotic cell, the cell-surface membrane is mainly made of lipids and proteins. evolved ways to evade these defences. Viruses cause two types of infections. instead, they inject their dna or rna into the host cell - this hijacked cell then uses its own 'machinery' (e.g. - in order to inject their dna and rna, viruses first have to attach to the host cell surface. Cells do attempt to defend themselves from this type of attack. Homeostatic mechanisms modulate blood pressure, blood glucose levels, body temperature, body fluid composition, heart rate, among many others. In this way, the variable is maintained within a normal level, or what is called it’s set point. The cytoplasm is a semifluid present inside the eukaryotes, which is surrounded and contained by the plasma membrane. Image : “influenza viruses ” by Medicalgraphics. In fact, scientists aren’t sure whether they’re even alive at all., Are you more of a visual learner? None of the trademark holders are endorsed by nor affiliated with Lecturio. In the process, some have gained characteristics that harm their hosts, a property known as virulence. and Waksman, G., Structure and mechanism of DNA polymerases, Adv. Without the leftovers of ancient viral infections we wouldn’t be here today. The end product of the pathway stimulates the activity, instead of turning it off like in negative feedback. A good example of this is your pancreas, which acts as a receptor when it detects an increase in blood glucose, and also acts as the effector when it releases insulin. Th… Other major differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are that prokaryotic cells are exclusively unicellular, while the same does not apply to eukaryotic cells. How do viruses … This attachment may change the shape of the virion itself, allowing the particle to fuse with the cell membrane. Positive feedback mechanisms often work in loops, and the initial step of the pathway serves as the stimulus. Struct. No. Rev. NCLEX®, NCLEX-RN®, and NCLEX-PN® are registered trademarks of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc (NCSBN®). Some of … ], DeLong, E.F. and Pace, N.R., Environmental diversity of bacteria and archaea, Syst. Viruses are nonliving organisms that can infect the cells of living organisms. If you have a tablet or smartphone, you can also download the digital version onto your iOS or Android device. Sometimes the receptor, control center, and effector are all located in the same organ. The infected cell stops making its own proteins and starts reading virus code and assembling virus proteins. Their DNA is not membrane-bound, just free in the cytoplasm. - because they're not alive, viruses don't undergo cell division. Our bodies have found new uses for the code left behind. License: CC BY-SA 3.0. It is possible that eukaryotic cells evolved earlier but the evidence for this has yet to be found. License: CC BY-SA 4.0. The capsid proteins form repeating structures that lock together to make a 3D shape. An example of positive feedback occurs when a mother breastfeeds her child. Some of the most serious problems arise when viruses infect immune cells, preventing the body from fighting back. and Reece, J.B., Biology (8th ed. MCAT is a registered trademark of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). These cell types are best characterized by their membrane-enclosed organelles. Viruses cannot reproduce on their own. Viruses are simpler than cells and are not considered ‘living organisms’ because they lack the metabolic repertoire to reproduce without a host cell. Structure and Classification of Viruses Viruses differ from cellular organisms in many ways. Regardless of the type of host cell, viruses follow the same basic steps to replicate: A virus particle attaches to a host cell. Powered by  - Designed with the Hueman theme. It occurs when cells in the body experience a deficiency, e.g. This effectively decreases the amount of blood circulating to the surface of your body, and less heat will be released through the skin. Thus, homeostasis of the body depends on the ability of our body to detect and oppose changes due to both external and internal causes. Viruses do not maintain their own homeostasis, only living things do. Viruses don’t have their own ribosomes, so they feed their code into the machines of other organisms, taking over the production line. Eukaryotes include such microorganisms as fungi, protozoa, and simple algae. These let the virus cling on to a suitable host cell . Viruses cannot be thought of as living because they lack the metabolic repertoire to reproduce without a host cell. The capsid proteins form repeating structures that lock together to make a 3D shape. These bacteriophage infect the bacterial cells, use their cell machinery, replicate into millions and then burst off from cells. Opin. Eukaryotic flagella are ATP-driven, allowing them to perform a bending movement. Made from a small strand of genetic code and covered with a tiny protein shell, they can’t ‘live’ on their own. due to exposure to toxins or other internal and external influences. But I will explain to the best of my ability, at same time I suggest you to go various references in virology. • Any disease-causing agent is called a pathogen. Your email address will not be published. Nerve impulses are also sent from the hypothalamus to your sweat glands to initiate sweating. Viruses are usually specific to the host. Register to leave a comment and get access to everything Lecturio offers! Eukaryotes include larger, more complex organisms such as plants and animals. Genetic information is fragile, so to move from one cell to the next viruses need a way to protect their code. In this type of homeostatic control, the resulting action will always be in the opposite direction of the stimulus. Another example of a receptor is the retina of your eye, which detects changes in the level of light (the stimulus) that enters the eye. Image: “Basic structure of viruses. Both types of cells are enclosed by cell membranes (plasma membranes), and both use DNA for their genetic information. Known as ‘human endogenous retroviruses’, or HERVs, they are easy to spot because they still carry the remnants of three viral genes: gag, pol and env. What size are viruses approximately? Viruses can not reproduce on their own they need a host. Biol. On a very cold day, a decrease in body temperature is detected by the sensory receptors of the skin, which send nerve impulses to the hypothalamus (a component of the brain). USMLE™ is a joint program of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB®) and National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME®). Viruses are much, much smaller than prokaryotes.Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells are both alive, while viruses are not.Viruses have very few organelles, similar to the prokaryotic cells.They contain a plasma membrane, cell wall, RNA or DNA, and a protein capsule. DNA released into the cell integrates with the cell’s DNA. Think of the control center as the ‘go-between’ for the other two components of the homeostatic system. The maintenance of blood pressure is another, already mentioned, one. Like a prokaryotic cell, a eukaryotic cell has a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and ribosomes, but a eukaryotic cell is typically larger than a prokaryotic cell, has a true nucleus (meaning its DNA is surrounded by a membrane), and has other membrane-bound organelles that allow for compartmentalization of functions. Biol. Viruses are not capable of movement, and they are incapable of replicating outside of a host cell. Eukaryotic cells and their viruses carry out processes same as bacteriophages but the processes are not similar in all aspect, some processes are found only in eukaryotes and their viruses i.e., RNA processing and protein … enzymes, ribosomes) to do the virus's dirty work and replicate the viral particles. There may be a typo in “Prokaryotic cells do not possess a cell membrane”, I think what prokaryotic cells don’t have is the nuclear membrane. They are not able to control their internal environment. For example, the Ebola Zaire virus is disastrous in humans, but the … Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells are the two types of cells that exist on Earth. 2021 Lecturio GmbH. Viruses are clever; they make up for their genetic shortfall by borrowing from the cells they infect. Evolution has gradually changed the sequence of these leftover viral genes, making them unable to produce new virions. Are viruses alive? Simply stated, prokaryotes are molecules surrounded by a membrane and cell wall. They also do not possess a metabolic pathway. This molecule is like DNA but with a different chemical letter, and it’s used by living cells to make temporary copies of genes. To make sure you never miss an issue of How It Works magazine, subscribe today!å. Their replication, transcription, and translation material is housed in the cytosol, and their DNA is circular rather than the linear form that eukaryotic cells possess. Most body structures can serve as effectors. [This and other cell biology textbooks offer thorough reviews of cellular structure.]. 1 – Capside, 2- Nucleic acid, 3 – Capsomer, 4 – Nucleocapsid, 5 – Virion, 6 – Envelope, 7 – Spike (envelope glycoproteins). explain. Viruses are … The cytoplasm is a semifluid present inside the eukaryotes surrounded by the plasma membrane. ... the infected cell may live for a long time. In these examples, regulation occurs through the nervous system. Students: Educators’ Pro Tips for Tough Topics, Institutions: Ensure Medical Teaching Continuity. Prokaryotes are the most numerous organisms on the planet. From there, the virus controls the cell and makes the cell produce more virus particles. The outermost covering of the cell, which differentiates the cell’s interior from the surrounding environment, is called the plasma membrane. They destroy loose genetic code and send signals to the immune system to let it know about the infection. touch or temperature). PGRpdiBpZD0idmlkZW8tcG9wdXAtMSIgc3R5bGU9IndpZHRoOiAxMDAlOyBoZWlnaHQ6IDEwMCU7Ij48aWZyYW1lIHdpZHRoPSIxMDAlIiBoZWlnaHQ9IjEwMCUiIHNyYz0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vZW1iZWQvdzZQMFVrVDlZSzA/cmVsPTAmY29udHJvbHM9MCZzaG93aW5mbz0wIiBmcmFtZWJvcmRlcj0iMCIgYWxsb3dmdWxsc2NyZWVuPjwvaWZyYW1lPjwvZGl2Pg==. 19, 680–682 (2009). Is a virus a prokaryotic cell? The simplest living organisms need between 150 and 300 genes to make all the proteins they need to survive, but viruses get by on as few as four. Most of the processes in your body are controlled by negative feedback. They have a protein coat around the core called the capsid. An effector is a structure that brings about changes to alter the stimulus. 71, 401–440 (2005). Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. 13.1 Ecologists Study Relationships • A virus is made of DNA or RNA and a protein coat. attach. 13, 31–39 (2003). it's made of a polymer called murein. The changes that are part of normal metabolism may be internal or external, and the organism must respond appropriately. It holds the cell’s organelles, structural proteins, and many biomolecules and also takes up all the space between the of the plasma membrane and the nucleoid. They are also the most widespread, due to the highly adaptive metabolisms that allow them to survive in a great array of different habitats. 281, 10653–10656 (2006); and Johnson, A. and O’Donnell, M., Cellular DNA replicases: Components and dynamics at the replication fork, Annu. 50 nanometres. Once inside, enzymes carried by the virion – or from the cell itself – break down what’s left of the capsid, releasing the genetic code into the cell. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are the only kinds of cells that exist on Earth. Already registered? Through homeostasis, for instance, the body can return the breathing pattern to normal after exercise. skin receptors), that relay signals to the rest of the organism after experiencing a change in a variable, or stimulus (e.g.

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