They are also known to play with aluminum foils and bottle caps. Grab a peanut and hurry away to hide it. Once blue jays get a taste for peanuts nothing else matters. The Blue Jays will eat plenty! Tube feeders sold in the marketplace come in different models. With so many of them living in cities, their diet has acclimated to living around humans. Ways to Offer Peanuts. They can be an expensive item to offer on a regular basis, but they’ll bring in a wide variety of new birds. Keep in mind, whole peanuts from the grocery store are often salted and seasoned for human consumption. You fill it and they will surely come! That's a bird-food splurge for us, an opportunity, however, to see the birds up close and often. Speaking of peanuts, Steller's Jays love them! Blue Jays are actually in the Corvid family and will eat pretty much the same things a crow will eat. A blue jay, Cyanocitta cristata, occasionally comes to my backdoor in Brooklyn for a snack of peanuts. A bumper crop of babies means a record number of Backyard Blue Jays in Florida. I love Blue Jays. The easiest and simplest way is to scatter the peanuts on the ground or on a table. There isn’t much that a squirrel won’t eat. The blue jays here seem to enjoy the challenge of eating at a tube feeder, or maybe it's just because they enjoy chasing the smaller birds away from it. The Blue Jays love to come up to the feeder and pick through the peanuts, lifting a number of them and putting them back down again to find the right ones. People who’ve watched robins steadfastly care for nestlings and then seen a jay grab them one by one, usually don’t share my feelings. Grackles can be much piggier. This is pretty amazing bird behavior, and it may be even more amazing that researchers have studied jays to come up with the answer. Blue Jays tolerate other birds most of the time, but not always. Also entertaining is observing a Blue jay take one of those peanuts and then fly down to the grass. Here's a picture with one in it's mouth: ages ago YawningDog says: Nice shot -- lovely bokeh. If you are looking for a cost-effective and practical type of Blue Jays feeder I do recommend you go for a tube style feeder. Jays seem to sense whenever peanuts are put out within a 5-mile radius. They eat whatever they find in the wild. Their winter diet consist mostly of vegetable matter, acorns, beechnuts, seeds and berries. Blue jays can clear out a pile of peanuts very quickly. They grab 1 to 3 peanuts and fly to their home tree. Do Squirrels Like Peanuts? OH My - The Noise - 14 Blue Jays for Breakfast Peanuts! I havent paid that detailed of attention to see if the two-fer behavior is more common during different conditions, such as during drought, after heavy snow, after bug killing frosts, … whole peanuts are the absolute favorite seed of the jays. What I do not know is which birds are displaying this behavior (cuz who can tell one blue jay from another for the most part) or are they mixing it up dependent on other factors, such as hunger. Yes, squirrels love peanuts. It's helpful if it is highly visible food that crows will recognize, and the simplest and most easily obtainable item is peanuts in the shell. Birds will find the peanuts and eat them, but it can also be pretty messy. Peanuts are their favorite but they eat suet, cat kibble and sunflower seed too. Black oil sunflower seed may lure Blue Jays in, but whole peanuts will ensure that your Blue Jays stick around and may even encourage them to bring their family units along. Their food is found in trees and on the ground. Do crows eat peanuts in the shell? They are from 9 to 12 inches long, boldly patterned in blues, black, gray, and white, and have a sporty crest that is held flat when the bird is calm and extended when the bird is excited. I really do not know if the Blue jay finds it again but I am thinking probably not especially if the leaf blows away. Didn’t do much except make watching the jays more entertaining. In one study Jays were seen making up to 1000 trips per day to gather food and hide it in a safe spot. Blue jays have a wide range of diet. Blue Jays LOVE peanuts, especially those still in the shell. We made the container narrower and deeper. The jays always visit in a group of three. In addition to seed and grain feeders, blue jays enjoy eating from suet feeders as well. Make sure to purchase unsalted peanuts. Make sure there is a source of water nearby for the birds to drink and bathe in. . Blue Jays are big, loud rambunctious birds and would not make a good pet. However, you should never feed them salted peanuts. If you want to attract blue jays, invest in a platform feeder and a bag of whole peanuts. Now that you have the peanuts and know the best way to serve them, it’s time to offer them up for birds. Blue Jays eat acorns, beech mast, weed seeds, grain, fruits, berries, peanuts, bread, meat, small invertebrates of many types and table scraps. At first they take the nut from the shell and actually eat it. I have even had them fly off with a peanut and then decide that it wasn't the best one so they fly back and exchange it for a larger or heavier one. . “Jay, jay, jay!” Every morning last winter I awoke to the loud cries of a flock of 17 blue jays dancing around my feeder. The blue jays have a special table in the garden. During the winter here in Massachusetts the Blue Jays feed in large groups at our house. I wouldn't exactly call them friendly. Peanuts Attract Jays. They gorged on sunflower seeds and suet, scaring away smaller birds, then left, only to return in the afternoon. They combine beauty, brains, and spirit in a sleek three-ounce package topped with a perky little crest. It will then place it within the blades of grass and then cover it up with a leaf that it finds nearby. Blue jays are especially fond of acorns, peanuts, corn, and black oil sunflower seeds. Blue Jays Eating Peanuts. So once a day, I put two or three handfuls of raw, unsalted peanuts in the shell into a hanging platform feeder. Jays will cache seeds and nuts to retrieve later, and make repeated trips to feeders to gather food and hide it in a safe spot. It’s not hard to find videos online of Blue Jays carting off whole shelled peanuts. Once you establish your peanut feeding routine, spend some time watching the behavior of the jays.

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