ntqueryinformationprocess anti debug

. This is complemented by PowerPoint slides for use in class. This book is an ideal resource for security consultants, beginning InfoSec professionals, and students. HyperHide is open-source hypervisor based Anti-Anti-Debug plugin for x64dbg/x32dbg HyperHide is open-source hypervisor based Anti-Anti-Debug plugin for x64dbg/x32dbg. <> I'm trying to debug a windows exe that is really full of anti-debug measures. Debugger sets a software breakpoint by overwriting the int 3 instruction. Sign up for a new account in our community. The ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation() function accepts a parameter which is the class of information to query. Techbliss Owner Admin Ida Pro Expert Developer. Hooking Check; It checks for possible Jump hooks (0xff, 0x25) or (0xe9) in CreateProcess, DeleteFile, ldrLoadDll & NTQueryInformationProcess functions. Upvote 0 Downvote. Found inside – Page vOther file-types Summary Chapter 11: Anti-analysis Tricks Anti-debugging ... the PEB Debugger information from NtQueryInformationProcess 236 236 238 247 247 ... stream A kernel structure called EPROCESS, which represents a process object, contains the field NoDebugInherit. Debugging malware code enables a malware analyst to run the malware step by step, introduce… - GitHub - domin568/Anti-Debug-examples-Windows: Some examples of anti debug techniques used in malware or commercial products preventing analysts to debug code of app. Figure 9: Anti-debug with NtQueryInformationProcess. NtQueryInformationProcess is another anti-debug method implemented in ANTI that can be called in various ways to reveal the presence of a debugger. using Python / Django - © 2021 #UnprotectProject. 5 0 obj Anti-debug / reverse tricks 1.1 Anti-Decompiler. The that's what's being queried is what's being debugged makes sense. Sorry for my late reply, been out for a vacation period. check if they use NtGlobalFlagPEB, NtQueryInformationProcess, NtSetInformationThread ,CloseHandleException etc. The states of these flags can be verified either by using specific API functions or examining the system tables in memory. Anti-Debug Techniques. . DebugPort: NtQueryInformationProcess() NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryInformationProcess(HANDLE ProcessHandle, PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass, PVOID ProcessInformation, NtGlobalFlag - During Debugging, Your System set the FLAG_HEAP_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS, FOR_HELP_ENABLE_TAIL_CHECK, and FLAG . This article presents popular anti-debug techniques, starting from the simplest ones, and notes about how to neutralize them. Maybe some can learn something about the anti debug techniques while browsing the source. Tau anh. endstream Debugger Check with csrss handle Used by malware authors to interfere with malware analysts. Today we will analyze one method of detecting an attached debugger, and a second method that can be used to detach a debugger from our running process. For instance, it can retrieve information about the port number of the debugger by using the value 0 x 07 ( ProcessDebugPort ) of ProcessInformationClass class on the current process. AntiAnti-Attacher releases the hooked function. Found inside – Page 67ANTI-ANTI-DEBUG. KDEXPLOITME Немного непривычный инструмент для нашей рубрики. KdExploitMe — это уязвимое приложение, на котором можно учиться эксплуатации ... Description. ScyllaHide is an advanced open-source x64/x86 user mode Anti-Anti-Debug library. Peter, thanks for your reply. If you use OllyDbg or x32/64dbg as a debugger, you can choose various Anti-Debug plugins such as ScyllaHide. First of all, you need to know that CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent internally does the function by calling NtQueryInformationProcess. Found insideIntroduces tools and techniques for analyzing and debugging malicious software, discussing how to set up a safe virtual environment, overcome malware tricks, and use five of the most popular packers. The only problem is that I really need to get into it. This series of articles (see also [], [],[], []) describes some tricks that might become common in the future, along with some countermeasures.This article will concentrate on anti-debugging tricks that target the OllyDbg debugger. Post: #1 | Anti Debugger Có nhiều cách để anti debug.Sau đây sẽ giới thiệu vài cách thông dụng.Bài viết này tham khảo từ REAonline tại đây ,của nội dung cùng tên. In this series we will explore and try to implement multiple techniques used by malicious applications to execute code, hide from defenses and persist. I'm trying to debug a windows exe that is really full of anti-debug measures. Basicly what it does is wipe the the value on the stack before the actual call to NtQueryInformationProcess is done. NtQueryInformationProcess function mentioned . 可以用以下32位代码在32位环境进行检测: Anti-debug method introduction. I am on Windows 7 Proffesional 64 bit does it has anything to do with that? I know just the basics and still learning. The following code can be used to terminate process if it is being debugged: The function kernel32!CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent() checks if a debugger (in a different process on the same machine) is attached to the current process. It is the first anti-debugging API implemented by Windows, and is very powerful. An Anti-Reverse Engineering Guide By Josh_Jackson, 9 Nov 2008 4.95 (145 votes) Rate this: vote 1vote 2vote 3vote 4vote 5 Prize winner in Competition "Best C++/MFC article of November 2008" Download source code - 4.87 KB Table of Contents 1. Windows XP引入了debug对象, 当一个调试会话启动, 会同时创建一个debug对象以及与之关联的句柄.我们可以使用ProcessDebugObjectHandle (0x1e)类来查询这个句柄的值. x��VM��0��W�W3�l �!N�Co�Jo�m)�B�ҿ����&q71��eKzқ7�[��S�6֬l��M�nLH���Oէ�ÿ�o����I��_��e�Kᎎ~���F0�= �?T.�煇���@�ysx^[�?���z�!��}�C�L�M��g��k���r[�>mk�E��=�bG��Я� � v+\�Ȧ�r�x�Q|$�9�$'qĦ^ʧeY<6Ԏt*�-J�.��r?~��L��g#m��h9f5M�Xߡ)`��՜#g���H��PC�]mFA�QI'� �NN�|RV����#��q"ldB+B�;f�i0S���� (�HN�rF`�>RΗ����i���FFr��Ҝ�:ўr;I�~��nK#;n����Z�I�l'u�04rI�843�r����z�O���#��o�Y�z3���av`�a�M�����y�,3�. Atm:;-----;Original instruction 6 bytes long:;ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess:;774efa78 b816000000 mov eax,16h This is a collection of Software Diagnostics Services webinar transcripts about pattern-oriented software diagnostics developed by Software Diagnostics Institute. Suspicious. 183 The plugin I am working on is designed for WinDBG. Some examples of anti debug techniques used in malware or commercial products preventing analysts to debug code of app. Functionality provided by Al-Khaser: Anti-debugging attacks IsDebuggerPresent API CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent API Process Environement Block (BeingDebugged) Process Environement Block (NtGlobalFlag) ProcessHeap (Flags) ProcessHeap (ForceFlags) NtQueryInformationProcess with the SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS set to 7 ProcessDebugPort . 3 0 obj These events include breakpoints, and the exiting of the program if it is called on the main thread of an . This tool is intended to stay in user mode (ring 3). While a process is running, the location of the PEB can be referenced by the location fs: [30h]. This reference volume consists of revised, edited, cross-referenced, and thematically organized selected articles from Software Diagnostics Institute and Software Diagnostics Library about software diagnostics, root cause analysis, ... I won't consider different theories of building software protection, only practical examples. Once malware realizes that it is running in a debugger, it may alter its normal code execution path or modify the code to cause a crash, thus interfering with the analysts' attempts to understand it . Debugging malware code enables a malware analyst to run the malware step by step, introduce changes to memory space, variable values, configurations and more. Và bài viết Anti Reverse trên code… ScyllaHide is an advanced open-source x64/x86 usermode Anti-Anti-Debug library.It hooks various functions in usermode to hide debugging. 8 0 obj Native Anti-Debugging [NtQueryInformationProcess] Filed under: VB — Leave a comment. Reactions: Temp and tappineapple. Debug Flags. If the HEAP_FREE_CHECKING_ENABLED flag is set in NtGlobalFlag, the sequence 0xFEEEFEEE will be appended if additional bytes are required to fill in the empty space until the next memory block. The ntdll!RtlQueryProcessHeapInformation() function can be used to read the heap flags from the process memory of the current process. This includes the SystemKernelDebuggerInformation (0x23) class, which has existed since Windows NT. Sometimes it takes up to 30 seconds before. 09Jul09. Anti-Attacher hooks DbgUiRemoteBreakin and redirects it to ExitProcess. This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Conference on Digital Rights Management: Technology, Issues, Challenges and Systems, DRMTICS 2005, held in Sydney, Australia, in October/November 2005 ... ctf-wiki/ctf-wiki Introduction Misc Crypto Web Assembly Executable Let's see how: When applying ScylleHide plugin with "GetTickCount" hook, we got X = 0x010A0B3D = 17435453 milliseconds which is about 4.84 hours. 26 sedebugprivilege by default a process has the. Check PEB->BeingDebugged && enmuerate process by CreateToolhelp32Snapshot in .TLS. Thanks for all the information guys. I Malware authors know that malware analysts use debuggers to figure out how malware operates, and the authors use anti-debugging HyperHide. I will release my source when I get some gui in. The best way to be prepared for an attack is to know where it would come from. there are two things wrong here. Hi, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() Anti Debug Trick is frequently used, especially in Malware Applications.Around here there are various plugins for Olly that allows the Reverser to trasparently debug this kind of protection, so there is not a real necessity add other words about the mere practical part. Anti-debugging techniques Malware Analysis Seminar Meeting 3 Cody Cutler, Anton Burtsev. Decompilation of binary or byte-code to recreate source code in a high-level programming . Found insideThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, DIMVA 2017, held in Bonn, Germany, in July 2017. These fields are Flags and ForceFlags. SEH with CloseHandle giving an invalid handle). First of all, this function creates an snapshot that contains some system information about processes, threads and modules. - Prevent Thread creation - for protectors like Execryptor. Found insideThe Car Hacker’s Handbook will give you a deeper understanding of the computer systems and embedded software in modern vehicles. Found insideOriginal. (Advanced). Don Box makes it possible for mere mortals to join the COM cognoscenti. If youire a C++ COM programmer, buy this book. #define NT_GLOBAL_FLAG_DEBUGGED (FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_TAIL_CHECK | FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_FREE_CHECK | FLG_HEAP_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS), The only way to mitigate these checks with. /F���Gh��q�d+!���_o�g�re�R8���T�y�R���n6�� �� �sj�^�o���]�x@���0b�3�%X�W�[0j�j�����;s�9����2E���c�yQ�XU��������XB�«��KVPl�#L-����R��o��r��^/3V�g������ kYZɮԎ��a%��(f�6˥�5�(V&vŸ1����\�� Ch�e�ze^d�3 k�HŲR�����Y����=| �� Anti-Debugging Anti-Debugging I Anti-debugging is a popular anti-analysis technique used by malware to recognize when it is under the control of a debugger or to thwart debuggers. there are alot anti debuggers. The problem is when I code a small program which checks the process debug port it works fine. The problem that occurs is that WinDBG after the patching has problems breaking back into the code. makin: reveal anti-debug tricks. An Anti. al-khaser is a PoC malware with good intentions that aimes to stress your anti-malware system. {�;L ][�9�;��-�}ϵ*����!��R�"W��_I��F��%ܔE�4R+�VOP It's simply easier and safer to allow the OS to perform the original call and modify the returned information if it succeeds. Now what I am facing is the following. This tool should help to test if your debugger is invisible against the targets. IsDebuggerPresent() - Access PEB at gs: [60]+2. HyperHide uses Intel ept to hook various syscalls and also other functions which can be used to spot the presence of debugger. . This book covers more topics, in greater depth, than any other currently available. isdebuggerpresent is actually a Meme. - CPU anti-debug (1) Rogue Int3 This is a classic anti-debug to fool weak debuggers. It's usually used for cheating in games, but CE actually has a very fully featured . NtSetInformationThread. This can be done by DLL injection. A recent project of mine branched into anti-debug techniques I compiled based off anti-anti-debug plugins I found, and some experimental techniques I discovered myself (e.g. I am searching for a good way to hook NtQueryInformationProcess. %PDF-1.4 The most common anti-debug technique using this function is to verify the process parent's name and PID, identifying if the parent is a well-known debugger, but this function can also be used with other purposes. New anti-unpacking tricks continue to be developed as the older ones are constantly being defeated. Hook kernel32!HeapAlloc() and patch the heap after its allocation. If you use OllyDbg or x32/64dbg as a debugger, you can choose various Anti-Debug plugins such as ScyllaHide. endstream Anti-Debugging - A Developers View Tyler Shields tshields@veracode.com Veracode Inc., USA 4 Van de Graaff Drive, Burlington, MA 01803 Abstract — Anti-debugging is the implementation of one or more techniques within computer code that hinders attempts at x���=�@�����B��W��A+up+8��V�*�ſ磊�� !� o�$$$���� ��kQ��6���>@"�|b��Cn���N��^a\1\(m�����%�>/������4�1ݠO0�@����Pd���h stream Special flags in system tables, which dwell in process memory and which an operation system sets, can be used to indicate that the process is being debugged. The heap contains two fields which are affected by the presence of a debugger. And we need to modify the return value of NtQueryInformationProcess. Set the Flags value to HEAP_GROWABLE, and the ForceFlags value to 0. Unusual section name found: W64SVC. ProcessDebugObjectHandle¶. These techniques are the most commonly used by malware. Introduction This is the third post of a series which regards development of malicious software. Generally, the function only checks the BeingDebugged flag of the Process Environment Block (PEB). Introduction. Found insideFully updated for Windows Server(R) 2008 and Windows Vista(R), this classic guide delivers key architectural insights on system design, debugging, performance, and support—along with hands-on experiments to experience Windows internal ... Call NTClose and CloseHandle with Invalid handles as an anti-debugging method. By The states of these flags can be verified either by using specific API functions or examining the system tables in memory. SeDebugPrivilege By default, a process has the SeDebugPrivilege privilege in their access token disabled. However, while Practical Video Game Bots considers these topics, it is not a cheater's guide. Rather, this book is an attempt to overcome the information vacuum regarding bot development in video game applications. An Anti. This can be done by DLL injection. How does it work? makin opens a sample as a debuggee and injects asho.dll , asho.dll hooks several functions at ntdll.dll library and after parameters checkings, it sends the . Windows XP引入了debug对象, 当一个调试会话启动, 会同时创建一个debug对象以及与之关联的句柄.我们可以使用ProcessDebugObjectHandle (0x1e)类来查询这个句柄的值. If you use OllyDbg or x32/64dbg as a debugger, you can choose various Anti-Debug plugins such as ScyllaHide. Disclaimer: I am not an experienced Windows guy. It seems to work really well and the code is rather short. Download. This is supposed to be some anti-debugging code but it isn't working right. one is that you're missing the check for the process ID - that what's being queried is what's being debugged. For anti-anti-debug tool development: For FindWindow(): Hook user32!NtUserFindWindowEx(). The inverse value of this field can be retrieved using an undocumented class ProcessDebugFlags (0x1f). U0113. I've succesfully changed my code according to what Peter suggested. This paper classifies and presents several anti-debugging techniques used on Windows NT-based operating systems. Exactly how they are affected depends on the Windows version. "This is a must-read for anyone considering the carnivore diet."★★★★★ Destroy your sugar cravings immediately, once and for all Burn fat easily Increase your strength and energy Bonus with purchase Get a free PDF of my Carnivore ... Changing the return value / values in the buffer works nicely. Is there a fix for this? While pintools are by design immune to some common anti-debug techniques, ICPin also hooks a number of system calls such as NtQueryObject and NtQueryInformationProcess and includes potential anti-debug calls as part of its output. It consists of inserting an INT3 opcode in the middle of a valid sequence of instructions. We will be . Text Section Hashing. July 23, 2012 in Programming and Coding. It's an Olly fork that is designed for offensive debugging and exploit development, but it might have a different enough codebase and enough anti-anti-debug stuff built in to help. Anti-debugging techniques are ways for a program to detect if it runs under control of a debugger. Alternatively, you could use Cheat Engine along with its DBVM kernel-mode module. Windows Anti-Debug Reference from Symantec. . 3���s��g5�s^rvE�]ɛb 0�^o�@c?��+p����5a�Wlʔ6���;z. When it's run, it immediately opens open Ollydbg. Example of implementation can be found there Advanced . various functions in usermode to hide debugging. Like this I mean.Auto Patch press = On for ever and another press = Off again for ever.Patch = One time session patch.Something like this you know.On this way it would patch it automaticly after loading a target in Olly without to choose it each time manually.Would be nice if you could add this little feature too maybe. When I step through it, it runs into problems at the call eax instruction. Found insideThis book teaches you the concepts, tools, and techniques to determine the behavior and characteristics of malware using malware analysis and memory forensics. Would this mean, you let the call go, than check the buffer for the return value and change the returned value. Lots of techniques exist, and new ones seem to come along all the time. The Trap Flag (TF) is inside the EFLAGS register. ###Notes. When the INT3 is executed, if the program is not debugged, control will be given to the exception handler of the protection and execution will continue. However, when the process is loaded by a debugger such as OllyDbg and WinDbg, the SeDebugPrivilege privilege is enabled. okay, so the message that you're seeing is because the buffer size is wrong for the class that you supplied. Trap Flag Check. Figure 10: Multi-level anti-debug before main routine. HyperHide uses Intel ept to hook various syscalls and also other functions which can be used to spot the presence of debugger. The NtGlobalFlag field of the Process Environment Block (0x68 offset on 32-Bit and 0xBC on 64-bit Windows) is 0 by default. endobj Sometimes, a debugger is present for proper reasons, and so the query should succeed without interference. Xian. but you still fail to deal with intentionally invalid parameters: You also lack the verification of the PID (or it's not visible in the code, anyway). PEB is present as a debug member if set to 1. Forked from NtQuery/ScyllaHide. This tool is intended to stay in usermode (ring3). All of these techniques were discovered and developed by the . Anti-VM techniques — Hyper-V/VPC registry key + WMI queries on Win32_BIOS, Win32_ComputerSystem, MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature, more MAC for Xen, Parallels Introduction al-khaser is a PoC «malware» application with good intentions that aims to stress your anti-malware system. Anti-debugging. Set the NtGlobalFlag to 0. endobj Below was taken from my "HookSysCalls" OllyDbg plugin (in Wow64). It helps to reveal a debugger detection techniques used by a sample. Set the BeingDebugged flag to 0. Functions which can be used for anti-debugging purposes: NtQueryInformationProcess. #define FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_TAIL_CHECK 0x10 There is one odd behaviour I came across when patching the BeingDebuggedFlag using: eb $peb+0x2 00. Uses Windows's Native API: NtQueryInformationProcess. When debugging begins, a kernel object called “debug object” is created. Found insideThrough this collection of personal essays and interviews on topics ranging from the legality of reverse engineering to a comparison of intellectual property practices between China and the United States, bunnie weaves engineering, law, and ... In this series we will explore and try to implement multiple techniques used by malicious applications to execute code, hide from defenses and persist. are doing it different, what part of hooking NtQueryInformationProcess am I missing. some Windows APIs rely on the value in that location in order to recognise the debugger and then do debugger-specific things. Naturally, we apply Anti-Anti-Debug plugins when debugging malware, but in this case, it will only ruin our debugging process. makin opens a sample as a debuggee and injects asho.dll(main module renames all dlls before injection), asho.dll hooks several functions at ntdll . Most of the classes are not documented. NtProtectVirtualMemory. Found inside – Page 1Details software security issues and describes potential fixes, preventions, and recoveries. Dank Tier Donator. It performs a bunch of nowadays malwares tricks and the goal is to see if you stay under the radar. It is possible to retrieve the port number of the debugger for the process using the ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess(). Breakpoints o Int 3 o Memory o Hardware 2. Found insideThis book is intended for system administrators, information security professionals, network personnel, forensic examiners, attorneys, and law enforcement working with the inner-workings of computer memory and malicious code. * Winner of ... The only problem is that I really need to get into it. it breaks back into the process. The ROKRAT backdoor, like SmokeLoader, uses the anti-debugging technique using the API function NtQueryInformationProcess with parameter ProcessInformationClassequal to Processdebugportthereby creating a suspicious event Read.Process.Info.AntiDebug. Anti-Debug of VMP - 1. The SystemKernelDebuggerInformation class returns the value of two flags: KdDebuggerEnabled in al, and KdDebuggerNotPresent in ah. It's time for part three in the Anti-Debugging Series. Found inside – Page iAfter completing Pro JPA 2 in Java EE 8, you will have a full understanding of JPA and be able to successfully code applications using its annotations and APIs. The book also serves as an excellent reference guide. The function ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess() can retrieve a different kind of information from a process. New anti-unpacking tricks continue to be developed as the older ones are constantly being defeated. I see that you are replacing the "ProcessInformationClass" parameter (if it is ProcessDebugPort, ProcessDebugObjectHandle, or ProcessDebugFlags) with zero (ProcessBasicInformation). Manually patch 12 bytes for 32-bit and 20 bytes in a 64-bit environment after the heap. ## Bugging ## Anti-Debugging Classes - API - Process and Thread - Hardware and Register - Exception - Modified Code - Timing ## API - Use the Windows API to determine if a debugger is present - Most debuggers use underlying OS for debugging functionality - IsDebuggerPresent() - Other API Calls ## Process and Thread - APIs can be hooked / modified - Bypass actual APIs and query OS structures . The function kernel32!IsDebuggerPresent() determines whether the current process is being debugged by a user-mode debugger such as OllyDbg or x64dbg. The class prevents debuggers from receiving events from any thread that has had NtSetInformationThread with the HideThreadFromDebugger class called on it. In a similar fashion, it also records anti-debug breakpoints such as INT 3. ěV�*؋�I��_��,d�}��K���ݼB��!eg#��z07+x5� What is Anti-Debugging? As a result, anti-debugging tricks are probably the most common feature of code intended to interfere with reverse-engineering (and anti-disassembly constructs being the next most common). Found insideThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Security Applications, WISA 2018, held on Jeju Island, Korea, in August 2018. you should allow the original call to proceed, so that intentionally invalid parameters will get the expected failure (because it's a common detection method), but if the call succeeds, then you alter the results to hide your presence. Malware development part 3 - anti-debugging. It hooks various functions to hide debugging. stream cmd - VirusTotal score: 1/67 (Scanned on 2021-07-30 07:26:16) Anti-debugging Technique Anti-debugging Technique NtGlobalFlag Heap Flags The Heap Interrupt 3 IsDebuggerPresent CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent NtQueryInformationProcess NtQueryInformationProcess Table of contents ProcessDebugPort ProcessDebugObjectHandle ProcessDebugFlags Eax instruction Structure called EPROCESS, which indicates whether the specified process is being debugged implementation, hidden restrictions and! Esp push 0 push 4 push ebx NTAPI NtQueryInformationProcess ( ) for anti-debugging, malware will that... And patch the heap contains two fields which are affected depends on the Windows version to! On it depends on the stack: also RTC_check_esp ( Automatically generated by VS2017 )! These topics, it also records anti-debug breakpoints such as OllyDbg or x32/64dbg as a detection... Member if set to 1 purchase of this book paves new ground, actual! 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