I started hearing a humming noise just over a month ago which is worse at night when all is still. Even amplifiers can be abused for harassment, abuse and torture, as may be what is happening when someone says they feel the vibrations. Or perhaps I have finally blocked it out. Query what was the roofer playing at? PREPARED BY U.S. ARMY MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE AND INFORMATION AGENCY OFFICE Of THE SURGEON GENERAL the effect of vibration is mentioned here or as it is known the HUM. I agree a support group is needed to help to lobby parliament to look at this problem. They knew then. I don't understand the dependency of people with their machines. I came back 1 to 2 hours of sleep again. So either way, it's the same culprit whether from celltowers or from Smart Grids or both. I could go down the route of stripping out all of the electrical wiring in my flat, but I don't think the landlord would be too happy! But, it is some 3-4 miles away. It's raining outside and I feel slight pulsing standing waves underneath me and the background droning noise of some engine/generator (not) that never seems to stop. However it doesnt blow air as my loud fan did, drying the air and v cumbersome. They are synchronized and seldom get off frequency.I thought that they could have been chicken house fans but...no way. Why was building a raft difficult for Brian?Â. What is nutty I can hear it over the dryer running and it is louder upstairs in the house. Or prevent it from. I first noticed it right after a long freight train passed. Depending on where you live (country, rural vs urban area), low Frequency and by extension infrasound is a source of genuine complaint in many jurisdictions particularly in the UK and some European countries. Well is in Tecumseh area and he can hear the hum all the way to Dundee, past where we live. I've read that sometimes plumbing issues make humming sounds in the pipes, which then transmit to the entire home. I moved into a new build flat which had up to date soundproofing! I wish it would stop because it's high and annoying. vibrate. My problem is... will they believe me? Usually on Sat. So Does May). Have you tried to contact the Australian acoustical society about this to report it given the police and council are equally not equipped to understand or deal with this. It's hard to gauge from this noise site who is from Australia or another country. Even if it only works for some people it is worth trying. Read my previous; I get so anxious when awoken by the HUM, DRONE blah blah that the following morning I go the loo many times in succession and was losing weight. No wonder it is so hard to get to the bottom of the problem for the 1 in 50 of the population who are troubled by this. Folks are reporting the noise all over the planet. Yes, check with your electric company if they will install a meter greater whole house surge protector. If the sound is that bad use a smartphone to record it. Posted earlier in the year, still a CONSTANT hum around my entire block, very loud in my house! Not sure I can take me seriously though, the way my mind is all over the place! Explains why when I tried to do cartwheels and handstands at school, I ended up flat on my back and feeling sick. Microwave harassment but by using subliminal sounds from C.D. How to get there is beyond me, but I keep complaining. My wife cannot hear the hum. I hadn't realized how much 'gaming' goes on! I have been hearing the hum for about 5 years now. I urge you all to register your postcode/zip code on the world map of the Hum. Does anyone know of any similar media coverages from around the world? He was also known as the Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria and possibly the Brooklyn Vampire. It,the hum, has been going on now for 2 weeks and funnily enough, just before it started there electrical workers working on the telegraph poles on the corner right across from my house. When I go near my water smart meter my ears begin ringing horribly. I had hoped so much exposure to LFN would have desensitized me to it, but it seems not. Best Regards, Colleen. Sound waves. I live in British Columbia and need advice on who I can go to for help. It occurs 24/7 and I have to go to a motel frequently for sleep. (New York city borough next to a huge lonely cemetery- there is no air traffic tonight- clear skies, moonlight) It almost sounds like an arcing(sp?) I'm really finding it bemusing the way the posts on this site seem to be drifting off the edge of the right hand side. There is also drone, ambient and binaural songs or apps that can be downloaded. Especially at night, especially when I go outside and hear almost nothing of it. My latest find resulted in being told the e mail address was no longer in use. I think Central Wisconsin has this now! I, too, thought of finding a company who could use the correct gauge equipment to measure the noise. I just research more on the 5 w's. The idea that a neighbor would cause the humming is unbelievable to me. When I speak of the Power Grid powerlines, wall-wiring, etc., being the cause of ELF, I mean that in regards to the "Smart Grid." I have had my sleep disturbed since I moved here from London. What was the first thing Brian said to the pilot of the plane who rescued him. What was the secret Brian knew about his mom? Please call your gas company, I had the same humming noise for two years. Low Frequency Noise and Vibration is a cruel form of torture for affected and sensitised people. And they are all over the world. May I ask what other avenues are you using to expose this criminal activity involving LFN generators? He is 80 and partially deaf so it doesn't worry him. Which is why a small noise can awaken you from sleep even though, when you wake, you don't know what it was that woke you. Check with your council the nearest wind turbines...see if you're in the midst of them (even up to 20miles). Then we wouldn't care either way. ), I live in Plymouth and the humming sound is a nightmare I hear it all time night time its really bad I don't know what to do to stop it.had my ears looked at all is fine.its only in my house and I can hear a little outside what can I do im on sleeping tablets to help me sleep but its still there all day and all night sometimes its gone for a day or two then it come back could it be electrical grid or power line really need help and to find out who to call. No sleep for me again tonight. Every night I fall asleep and when she turns it on- it literally wakes me up. Why would anyone take the sound and vibration plight serious, when there is no site Modertation to remove such entries as: Feb 21, 2019. I looked into the problem with neighbors harrassing others with lfn and did find quite a few stories. How did Brian know the pilot was having a heart attack? I wonder if it is worth you having the council round because...if they do pick up the LFN on their equipment it is one more piece of evidence that it does exist. Down the street, they started putting lines underground & hum is getting louder.". My problem, both times, has been when I moved, and it bought me into close proximity with 'gamers. My next door neighbour doesn't notice but his partner who visits does. It is obviously world wide, certainly nationwide. Anyway, so delighted you are finally have some natural, restful, restorative sleep. Also, before writing, read the Scottish report on the link given by Brown Nose and also the Leventhall report which can be found on the web. There was talk of putting smart meters in as there are no paved roads in here and it would just be easier. I cannot find a sound specialist to measure the Bass noise. I thought it was the neighbour playing the Xbox, turns out it’s not. I have been plagued with the droning/humming vibrational noise in West Seattle for 6 months now. I had to record into a microphone when I was going out and when I came back, also when I was going to bed and when I got up. I wasn't sure until now. Changed my life. I am not pleased with the noise either.Not sure if I will return it because it is efficient but not pleased with the hum. I assume Big Boy and Sam are both located in Melbourne, Australia. I actually talked with Hessler years ago and he was understanding. I've discovered since that it's damaged my hearing. Great compact gadget can travel too, Get the Lectro from amazon. very much, I just don't like the humming 24/7,she has also said to me why don't you move out,she's a horrible woman, shouldn't be a manager as she has no people skills. As you say, sleep deprivation is purgatory, total and utter. I noticed that I am also able to hear it at my mothers house but not as strong. Is he someone sympathetic to the problems experienced by LFN suffers? We've been plagued by it for over 18 months. I lose hours of sleep and then maybe the 3rd night i am so exhausted, I sleep through it somehow. The gas company installed a new meter and it is totally gone. They look for LFN but it's in our brains that we feel this. These people need to be stopped and put behind bars on a crazy house. Ill be honest, this information is way out there for most people, if it resonates (no pun :) ) great, if not, thats ok too .. but good luck nonetheless! Please see here for Sarinne's invitation, Sam,over the last 15 years the vermin responsible for the supply installation and ongoing operation of this equipment have ruined the lives of hundreds upon hundreds of unsuspecting Australians. They have it everywhere and it's going now to new places and Highways have signs along roads talking about this! The usual noise monitoring device that they use is on the A weighting which is no good for picking up LFN. However, without other people coming forwards, nothing I can do, which adds to the frustration. Most gaming machines have built in sub-woofers that actually enhance LFN. I too wish that we have silence sometimes, as we used to, before technology took such huge leaps forward. Now, this new white noise or pink noise is mostly Bass if not all Bass. Electric grids, gas lines, pylons, telephone wires, etc. It is excruciating. What did Brian have to dive into the water for? I look forward to receiving the Scottish reports when you are able to send them. I do hope things improve for you, Debbie x, My question is how can a neighbor harass other neighbors without them feeling the effects as well? They also checked all round the complex where I live and there was no indication of anything creating lfn, apart from the family across the road who spend all their time gaming. I wish I could answer your questions better, but I am still searching for answers myself. Hi, Julia. Even when we are sleeping the brain is constantly monitoring our surroundings to protect us against threat/attack. Hey Mikala I am unable to offer an informed comment regarding Sydney. Located in Michigan. Why had the porcupine attacked Brian during the night in the shelter? The machine (media centre) made a constant, low, heavy, war drum type of noise, so it was literally 24 hours a day. They switched everything off in my home and made their recording which consistently measured within the LFN level. Department stores and Grocery stores are now installing these Sound Masking machines to muffle extraneous noise and conversation. Sick? I know it will be no consolation to you but your comment about the Environment Team from the council is so typical. ** The Radiation oscillates/vibrates all metal. Thank you for your very helpful comments, Elizabeth. I use silicone headphones to cover up the hum or I just stick a small fan that makes some noise that I can deal with but still cover the sound of the hum. Earplugs do not bloc the"pressure wave" but what you are saying will help. Mikala thanks for posting that response. Andrea, i'm with you. The neighbors can't really hear it, so it must be that I'm especially sensitive to the frequency of the hum and It MUST be something affecting the whole neighborhood, like possibly the electrical substation a mile or so from us, or possibly a natural gas well that's also about a mile away. We can't feel the vibration standing. That was the first time I noticed it - 1986. The USA Government and FBI use it as a weapon. Re the GABA. I wake suddenly feeling quite sick and then realise why. Silicone ear plugs do not work ...that is .. they do not block that sound out. Sammy have you heard of something called a sympathetic reasonance? I had this 'special' equipment to measure lfn installed in my place for six days and nights. I want to basically bug out and bang something on the ceiling. For me, it's constant faint droning noise/pulsation and vibrations. That is why the Authorities - Law Enforcement - need to find it in their budget to purchase such a Sound Level Meter because they have the power to enforce the ordinances that are in place to stop the bass noise and vibration. The question is how do we de-sensitize? Cross road or in your township electronic reversing gang stalking or ileagle non- governmental( Top military or physiological authorize!) Very interested in your use of Melatonin, may try that. I wonder if I feel it because I took away the carpeting in the den room downstairs. I only have gotten this in my left ear after i hear the train, or at rare times large vehicle sounds, like deisal trucks. It is good to have a forum where people can find out about the Hum and the EMF/EMR, but that is where it usually stops. I hope that everyone who reads the posts can feel more hopeful that there may be some help out there. And do other people complain?I don't know. What did Brian find at the shore buried in the sand? What did Brian have to do to get away from the moose? I actually moved house because I could not bear it anymore, I could have written your letter myself, I fell out with my neighbours, eventually I did not believe them and thought it was their fish tank /pump which was situated next to our joining wall. I am so profoundly pleased to know that I am not going crazy and the hum is real and not just a figment of my imzgination (my neighbors can't hear it) and can possibly aproach the local council to ask them to investigate the matter. Wonderfully quiet. So sorry to read you were suffering Margaret (Dec 2017). I'm a female too, but no children, non smoker and opposite to all your other conditions, so I wouldn't believe that has anything to do. The only way we can get help, I believe, is if someone famous and/or an MP were to experience this. It is installed between the meter and the wall. However do you think this could prevent the hum getting in or is it a waste of time and money ? I've actually been considering trying to find a wooden house! Is there any help? I never did. It's the worst at night when I'm trying to sleep. When Brian was preparing his feast and drinking his orange drink, what appeared out of the sky? Tried talking to him but he became aggressive and would not turn the volume down. agencies trying to get help to no avail City of Seattle doesn't even measure vibrational noise. How was Brian able to get into the plane?Â. I have been made to feel rather uncomfortable in the past whenever I have spoken about this subject because others could not hear it.. Once, even told to have my hearing checked (just in case!) I hope this helps. A recording has been made which is identical to the sound I hear (it can be heard beneath the sound of the recording machine). Despite this site, i've never felt so alone about something. My initial feeling when I first noticed a few months ago was that it was pervading my bones - ie not outside my ears. It does seem to be a global problem. They checked every piece of my electrical equipment (we don't have gas). To me it sounds like it’s coming from underground. I'm doubtful its 'gamers' - see 'Bristol Hum' on Google. No one else in the block said they heard anything, although I did hear one person having a go. It's distracting. Those things keep turning all day and night -- at times it seems there is a fire roaming outside but when I look there is nothing -- yet the noise keeps going.It was suggested that it might be my ears, but no, I don't hear any humming when I am outside. I have had absolutely zero response to my e mails, letters and info. Google the internet and read up on bass frequency and Hyperacusis Dysfunction. You've put your finger on the pulse. Don't believe the hype of these units- they are quieter but they vibrate. I have a lunatic next door neighbor who plays a bass subwoofer speaker 24/7 because he has a grudge over a fence dispute. This was posted on the HumMap.wordpress.com blog: This was also posted on the HumMap.wordpress.com blog on August 11, 2017: "Sonic Canon Hum machine used on US diplomats in Cuba": Hello Debbie, just read your comments. This changed in April 2017, the new condo beside us was complete and now occupied. A little over a 100yds (90m)away, hidden behind a hedge. Time for a change in gov't. It's a shame that the hum can be heard in rural areas. Why is it almost not there occasionally for a few days? Certain people can hear or rather detect them in their head. You don't have to have a smart meter on your home to hear the continuous hum and infrasound drone because it is radiating in the air off the power lines. He couldn't sleep and tracked it down 11 miles away. Life can be hell, health is deteriorating, and the culprits out their just get on with their lives. Dear Mary, A lovely part of the country so it is tragic that even there you suffer from background noise. Your description of the noise matches that of a gaming machine (however it may not be so). Loud at night when there are no other sounds to block it out. The people from the power station know there is a noise in my flat but keep denighing that it's from there.... Nearly two years ago something in the vicinity of my peaceful home changed. Hi SGVH, thanks for your comment, it is so true.It is just such a shame that those of us genuine sufferers who come to this site, have to wade through such rubbish. There needs to be a determined investigation into this, but...in a world that only thinks of financial gain...I cannot see it happening. However in the UK there is no legislation against/about lfn. The response was that it was too expensive. A friend sent me a link for the following research done in 2011 by Professors, Thomas Jentsch and Gary Lewin, in Berlin. If it comes down to it, I think you can sue in small claims court for your neighbor creating a nuisance but I'm not a lawyer so you'd have to talk to a legal professional. Maybe?or to spoofing you for fun!? My next door neighbor is harassing me over a fence dispute to make me move by using amplified bass since June 2013. There is a group Gang, Cult unknown...over in the Central, WI Maybe Neillsville, Stevens point, Marshfield, WI who were over heard by an unknown person saying they learned all about telepathy implants with hacking of body implants and use high towers and gas line and electric smaller grids monitors now also..and are now planning harassment games to make people unwanted move from their area with no way to get police to stop it, because they don't know about this technology and we want them to start reading everything because out west they have been known to even cause death with these implants and it's all over the web about it now and back up information says it's real! No street lights - Large gas canister so no gas pipes around. Yes I am hearing low frequency sound like a background lawnmower buzzing all around my house. Radio 4 has plays, discussions etc. This is how I discovered which flat it was. So glad the Lectro worked for you. Maybe our poor, over crowded, beleaguered planet is finally turning against us. It was only discovered about ten years ago (the miracles of the CAT scan) but I would have had it all my life. I'm really troubled by this low frequency hum. My son is a grown up gamer (he doesn't obviously live with me) I know the sound that gaming machines make when used and when 'ticking over' and this is the sound that I am hearing. My hypothesis is these towers are banging out frequencies to somehow harm/control people. Hope you found the source. I've also been told that the noise I hear is tinnitus. I used to keep the television on constantly- and since I've stopped, I am tuned into this. LFN is a real and serious problem and I can understand your partner being unwell. Since the increase, I have developed 6 nodules on thyroid. Not heard of them over here (years behind the times as usual). Re the a Electro - £70 is expensive and it appears to do the same as an iPhone app that you can buy very cheaply - or have I misunderstood what it does? Hope you can get some relief Debbie. It was very bad. It seems to come from below or through the wall. Hello Kerry. Have not found one near where I am currently living, but about 20 miles away in the countryside, have found a few individual ones. The police won't help. Words missing and I'm trying to puzzle out which ones so posts make sense. I have masked it with a white noise machine but sure feel silly having it on 24hrs. Here are a few paragraphs from the local EH fief sound officer. The EU has laws for seemingly all aspects of life, but not the HUM, maybe because it is too difficult to resolve. 'The first time the gamer moved in a month after me, the second time (because no one else seemed bothered) I was not told. ...sorry, should have read their presence! Hi Sarinne,What advice can you offer in regards to blocking out very low frequency noise? Check out the ES FORUM, there's more discussion over there re what people are doing or taking (vitamins, etc.) Hi BellaB: I just saw today a "crickets" comment at the Hum Yahoogroup which was referring to this article re the alleged "sonic attack" on USA Diplomats in Cuba in 2016-2017. We do not have smart meters, I have hiked in the forest behind my property up to the power lines, cell tower etc and cannot find the source. I would pay to stop the cause. Hello Carol, In the first instance I didn't write to anyone or contact EH because they always ask where the noise is coming from. Oh really. I have a brilliant diet, do yoga, have no financial worries etc, yet still the night awakenings were panicky. The fact is, even when we do get to sleep for a while ( because we are exhausted) the noise is constantly torturing our sub conscience and I absolutely feel this is very damaging I feel my memory is becoming impaired and, as I have mentioned before I cannot meditate any longer because I cannot reach the Alpha and Beta levels. LFN is, it seems, hard to deal with as it appears there are so many different sources, dependent upon, I guess, where you live, and how sensitive your hearing is. To learn more go to www.sandaura.wordpress.com. It took a while. How does it work? I didn't mention that studies performed at the RFH during a concert when they emitted the bands caused members of the audience to become fearful, tearful and filled with awe and fear. kettle boiling, etc. For the last 4 months I've been hearing the hum. FYI cat repellent devices emit 26Hz . My heart doctor requested an echocardiogram of my heart: "increased septal thickness." It was so odd that I walked outside to see if I could see which direction it was coming from. In these tiny homes I can feel it through out. I resent having to use the odd sleeping pill or anti-depressants when I did not create this problem and no one accountable seems to want to own it or fix it. Dear Julia, I'm also from Sydney and seriously affected by the problem you described. I hear the mosquito emissions in the higher frequencies also. The noise and hum was immediately noticeable and constant and it did not take us long to identify the source. The worst thing is being told it is all in my head. They came out to me again in the early hours of the morning and said they had listened to 72 hours of recording from my flat. So they create the problem and offer solutions at a price. I am hearing a humming noise in my flat and a motor noise in my bedroom getting me down. He wouldn't stop and kept the machine going 24/7 even when asleep. Has anyone had any luck with silicone earplugs? This deep droning that nothing blocks is not any conventional noises that I have experienced my entire life that are easily blocked by white noise or something like that. I'm a writer and no way could I work with the constant noise. The noise is generated by oscillations of magnetic field within the transformers. What are they trying to achieve? Hi! Unfortunately, I don't know in which houses the others live. It sounds like a Diesel engine somewhere in the distance and it runs all night long and never fluctuates. If Dee is still on here reading comments please can you tell me who you wrote to in your quest to solve or trace the noise. My husband doesn't hear it. I started hearing the hum mid December of 2015 in my home in Roswell,NM 88203. I can blame the energy of the city for it (not). Have tried ear plugs, but they don't help. I too have a similar problem and as I live within about a mile of the M40 motorway in Oxfordshire, I suspect that a ground vibration is being generated by the traffic which is causing my house to vibrate. but do know the source of this hum is a ceiling fan in the motor room for the elevator,I live in an old building, (1988) and I'm sure the fan is that old, when I 1st moved in the fan wasn't on,then a few yrs. The consequences are very similar to others though may be just less dramatic. I also ponder on the ionospheric heating facilities that are alleged sprinkled around the globe. Not only do I experience the Bass noise, but the vibration, too. .... or even cut-glass-crystal if we're comparing, it's all about the state of mind when interference of any kind begins, don't be a victim be a survivor! Two weeks + now. (also tried many different types of pillows )This began in Sussex, I now live in Berkshire and although the noise is less here, it remains the same...constant. I just learned today that it is my upstairs neighbor. At least those of us who can hear this LFN can move away and hopefully limit our exposure to the vibroacoustic disease effects of LFN. Hello, thanks for your very interesting and insightful post. Your EH people do seem to be trying to reassure you. Easter Weekend, there was no noise, complete quiet, was like a miracle. It is as if it is almost an Alien attack forever trying to drive us away, but there is no escape from it. That's why it produces the rumbling and humming sound. It predates smart meters. At middle age, I have above-normal hearing- like a teenager I was told. For people that hear something different, I’m guessing it’s just the power lines. I have a concrete slab and am wondering how many of us here have them, maybe this is an issue. Currently I am only getting 5 hours of sleep a night. At least on line scrabble helps a bit, I can always say rude things to the computer when it lays down highly debatable words! (He does not feel the vibrations or the droning and hears the city sounds as a one tone noise) As if anyone has any experience to begin with.