More Ideas for your Summer Solstice Wedding Celebration. All Rights Reserved. Allow yourself time to reflect on the year and the beautiful gifts you have received since the last winter solstice. Much Peace and Love! Another ancient Solstice Fire practice which has been part of each PSG over the years is that of celebratory dancing and drumming around blazing bonfires. “Each family member chooses a bell to ring. Light the fire and make offerings to build its strength, intensity and sweetness. Such beautiful times we are in with darkness yes but look at the light of each woman shining here!!! On it written, ‘The light will return’. This is particularly significant, because the city claims the solstice celebration for the 24th, the day of Inti Raymi. When I’m ready, I strike a match, light the candle, saying, “Know the light. This is a time for self-reflection. Enjoy the foods of the season as a special way to celebrate yourself, your friends and family. Mandy. “If the family is used to honoring the directions as part of spiritual practice (Wiccan, Native American, Buddhist, Hermetic, etc. Say a prayer that all your hopes will manifest with the flame of this fire. your traffic, you can earn extra bucks every month because you’ve got We forget what mother earth has given us…..we forget if someone doesnt pass on the lessons.Thank you mystic mamma …Thank you. Each has a bell in hand to ring. Thank you! This is likely because it’s a mix of Catholic tradition with the native Mayan rituals that were timed to the solstice. Open their eyes as to not to be mislead. Thank the forces you invited to your fire for holding you in ceremony. About See All. During this ceremony, we’ll incorporate the element of fire and contemplation questions to help you consciously set solstice intentions. In the center of the Medicine Wheel will be a special Mayan ceremonial pot that will contain candles that represent the … Parent(s) or some other family member serves as facilitator(s). Ahhhhh So glad it will be warm in NY this weekend. Depending on the size of the fire, choose burnable objects to burn – sticks, toothpicks, herbs or papers. Fire is a powerful transformer. So happy to have found all of you…….love to celebrate the old ways and the solstices……, Happy solstices, So glad to find like soul, Let us rejoice and celebrate that nature’s cycle is continuing, Love knowing that around the world this is being shared at same time…The energy and warmth will be immense x Sending my love and blessings to you!! I contemplate on what I will bring into the light with me. Build a Yule Altar. Just came across your lovely site so full of wisdom and light! Fire is a powerful transformer. Page Transparency See More. You may write, draw or simply blow what you are releasing into a burnable object. Then release them. Then the facilitator invites the family to celebrate the Solstice with bells. It is during this holiest time of year we initiate new beginnings as we go from darkness into the light, and reflect on the symbolism of the winter solstice. Then, for three days we watered the place where we buried our masks, as a ritual to water the new life for both ourselves, and society, that we … Light a Giant Log In the Fireplace. Many blessings in the new Year <3 Thank you so much for all you share! Even if you don’t plan any ceremonial activities, simply coming together to share a meal helps you tap into the lightness and gratitude radiating around the world on this day. this is my first visit here. Join us as we conclude an eight day Sacred Mask journey through the elements. Love, light & healing! Connect to spirit and your higher self. Solstice Fire Ceremony. Brass bells and/or jingle bells are commonly available and have long time associations with the season. ♥︎, Solstice blessings to you mystic mamma. 35 people follow this. With love and gratitude.