The blue stripe on the females will also appear curved if you look keenly. Hey, I'm Fabian, chief editor at Aquarium Nexus. Most wild-caught neon tetras are from Rio Solimões, which is the upstream region of the Amazon River. Since the Neon Tetras stay quite small and have a peaceful temperament, they are often found in small community aquariums. Do not keep neon tetras with cichlids, bettas, angelfish, or goldfish as they will be eaten or bullied. Set up a breeding tank. A stressed fish will develop a weak immune system and become susceptible to diseases. I just removed the adults and waited! You can also enjoy their bright colors as the school swims together. Encouraged by my success I decided to use a similar but larger set-up to try and spawn Congo tetras, but within 24 hours of placing them into the acidic conditions the adults had died. To begin with, you need to sex the fish to ensure that you place both a male and a female in the breeding tank. Neon tetras need dim lighting, a DH less than one, about 5.5 pH, and a temperature of 75°F to breed. So, arrange a separate tank by following the water temperature, so that the fish can spawn and lay eggs in that tank. The former theory is most likely, as the latter would surely have been noted earlier by better observers. If the tetras are ready, the females will drop eggs to be fertilized by the male. Why? The first neon tetra was imported to the states in 1936 by ichthyologist Dr. George S. Myers. A single neon tetra will require two gallons, but they are schooling fish, and you should keep a small shoal in a minimum of 10 gallons. You need high-quality pellets to form the basis of their diet since flakes may be unsuitable for their small mouths. You should set up a separate breeding tank to increase the survival chances of the fry. In this article I am going to talk about Black Neon Tetra size, lifespan, temperature, breeding, pregnant, tank mates, care, eggs, with Bettas, etc. Within a couple of weeks they were spawning every day. Provide two watts per gallon of fluorescent light. Pre-Mating Behavior. Even though your Neon Tetras are likely to spawn, it is best not to try and raise the fry to adulthood. This happened the day I fed the grindal worms. You can use an air pump or powerhead to boost oxygenation. Let the tetras stay in the tank for a day or two as they acclimatize to the environment, and keep giving them protein-rich meals. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. I decided to try and breed them properly — and my first attempt was the lazy way that always works so well for me with killies and many other species. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Up to eight weeks after I first spotted fry in the breeding tank, tiny colourless babies still continued to appear. The easiest way to sex them is to observe their bellies – the female’s is rounder and will have a … Sure enough. They are adapted to clearwater and blackwaters water bodies in the Amazon and Orinoco river systems. The neon tetra has similar markings to those of the cardinal tetra, but the latter’s red stripe extends across the entire body. Breeding expert John Robertson describes how he raised Neons — one of the world's most popular and recognisable tropical fish. They will generally not hurt any tank mates as they are shy and timid. Driftwood is popularly used to add shade in a neon tetra tank, and you can also use rocks and caves. Platies. The male will stay close to the female as she spreads her eggs throughout the tank. Temperature Range: 72 … One longtime aquarist provides his tried-and-true method of breeding tetras, suggesting five species to start with. Strong light also kills the fry and eggs, and you can use a flashlight to assess the process quickly.