One of the ways that the Europeans decreased the Native population was through the spread of foreign diseases. At the start of the seventeenth century, Native Americans greeted European settlers with much excitement. European-Native contact, the recovery of American Indian culture and tradition proceeds ever more rapidly. These are Just some of the ways on how the Europeans left a cultural impact by decreasing the Native population. Experts believe that as much as 90 percent of the American Indian population may have died from illnesses introduced to America by Europeans. Ultimately, Europeans left a very significant impact on the Native American culture. They were obliged to European explorers transmitted the bubonic plague, decimating the native people of North and South America. For a long time in America's history and even up until I was in Elementary School, it was being taught that Christopher Columbus was in fact the discoverer of America. Some of the diseases they spread were small pox, influenza, and measles. We’ve all heard the stories of smallpox infected blankets being given to the Native Americans, and other such atrocities, but I was simply dumbfounded at the actual numbers of dead due to Old World diseases being introduced to the New World, North America. Along with Disease, Europeans also brought their culture, lifestyle, and their lust for land. The Europeans ecided that they wanted the Native Americans to be taught about religion through the use of the bible, which the Natives had not have heard of before, so they began to teach the Native Americans about their religion. European settlers often had disputes with Native Americans over land. ...The Impact of Disease on Native American Culture These influences have different stories and views that pertain to the origin of life and how the earth was created. ~1729 to 1753, 3 smallpox epidemics hit the Cherokee Nation, cutting the population in half The Native Americans had no immunity whatsoever when those diseases plagued them so it lead to terrible suffering then... ...European Expansion and Native American Losses The truth, as we all know is that he could not have possibly discovered it when there was already people there! The Hopi had referred to that tribe as Navajo, or “thieves,” a Hopi term. The great impact of disease on the Native population of America is an important part of the story of European exploration. One of the ways the Europeans left a cultural impact on the Native Americans is that they decreased the population significantly. We already know that this was known to be historically incorrect, but the term was used so frequently, mostly everyone start to say it. At first, the Native Americans welcomed the European Explorers and were curious about them and their motives in their land. Much of Mexico’s culture took on a mestizo nature as European … Having guns and horses completely changed the way Native Americans hunted for food. The … While it has been somewhat difficult for scholars to determine the exact count of Indians who died from disease, they have fairly accurate estimates. Diseases would rarely be fatal to the European population, but often proved themselves deadly to many Native Americans. Native American - Native American - Native Americans and colonization: the 16th and 17th centuries: From a Native American perspective, the initial intentions of Europeans were not always immediately clear. Are You on a Short Deadline? One of the ways that the Europeans decreased the Native population was through the spread of foreign diseases. With the Europeans now being part of the Native world, they eventually left a significant impact, an impact that affected them influentially, ethnocentrically, and population-wise. ~In 1540 the “European Epidemic” was brought to the Southeastern United States by the Desoto Expedition and killed 75% of the native population including the Santiago Market (1868-72) and the Meat Market in … European colonization of North America destabilized Native American culture, causing a slow, steady, spiral into destruction. The Native Peoples were soon to become overpowered and eventually become slaves of the Europeans. It is the love for the land, the respect for it and for those who inhabit it. Some Indian communities were approached with respect and in turn greeted the odd-looking visitors as guests. The first meetings between settlers and Native Americans would follow the same course in almost every European settlement along the East Coast. The Europeans began calling that tribe Navajo as well. Some of the diseases they spread were small pox, influenza, and measles. Our cultural restoration includes political issues such as self-determination for tribal communities, federal recognition of tribes considered “extinct” by the United States, identification of numerous clusters of Indian peoples who before remained “hidden” Let a Professional Writer Help You, © New York Essays 2021. European migration to the Americas had few, if any, positive effects on the native populations. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? The … Explain the impact of European contact on American Indian cultures by comparing the different approaches used by the British and French in their interactions with American Indians. European interest for Indigenous American culture stems from the works of German author, Karl May. European settlers’ inability to understand and respect Native Americans lead to many struggles that would eventually erupt into violent warfare. Displaying native american culture impact european PowerPoint Presentations. These were the people who would do the lions share of the hunting, farming and caring for children. Indians traded with the Europeans because at first they were not perceived as a threat. This new mode of travel made it possible for some tribes to greatly expand their territories, exchange goods with neighboring tribes, and more easily capture game.