The causes of the Haitian Revolution included the affranchis’ frustrated aspirations, the brutality of slave owners, and inspiration from the French Revolution. An unfair distribution of power between social classes, restricted liberties and representation, and a large gap between the rich and the poor were the main catalysts for both revolutions. France - France - The causes of the French Revolution: In an immediate sense, what brought down the ancien régime was its own inability to change or, more simply, to pay its way. The Haitian Revolution and the Forging of America 77 that night-the most successful slave rebellion in history-lasted 12 long years. Unfair taxing on the colonies to help the government pay back their debts. Video transcript. Political Causes: French Rev. The Haitian Revolution was an uprising by self-freed slaves in the French Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue. Start studying APWH Unit 5 Review. The goal of the Haitian Revolution, at first, was to abolish slavery in St.Donmingue. Every revolution has a cause, no country would overthrow their government for no reason. These include intellectual reasons like the ideas put forward by the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment; cultural reasons … Causes of the Haitian Revolution The colonial economy was export driven, dominated by agriculture and trade. The French revolution caused a revolution in Haiti. As shown on this page, the Haitian Revolution occurred in different stages. Haitian Revolution (Part 2) Next lesson. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. By the second half of the Especially the rights of the people, 1. The causes for the French and Haitian revolutions were fairly uniform. Secondly, what were the causes of the Haitian Revolution quizlet? Once the call for Independence was spread throughout the Americas, the people saught out to rise up against the Spanish rule in their country. The causes of the Haitian Revolution included the affranchis' frustrated aspirations, the brutality of slave owners, and inspiration from the French Revolution. This was because they had … Causes of the Latin American Revolution Main Causes (cont.) ar_causes_and_enlightenment_ideas_ws.docx: File Size: 32 kb: File Type: ... haitian_revolution_powerpoint__1_.ppt: File Size: 1761 kb: File Type: ppt: Download File. Topics on the quiz include Haiti before the revolution and the crops grown there. the causes, some of the harshest conditions under slavery in the West Indies , caused the African slaves to revolt and throw the French out of the Island. Caterina65. Start studying Causes of the Haitian Revolution. - Leader of Haiti when it became independent. Dessaline makes France an independent nation. This would lead to rebellions and strong leaders like Simon Bolivar and what are the dates to the Haitian Revolution. Declaration of Rights of Man + Citizen (1788) - news gets back to Haiti. 90% of Haitians can't read/write (today). BP1 Topic Sentence: The Latin American and Haitian revolution were both started due to the want for social change because of the inhumane treatment they were receiving. Revolutions Review Quizlet Revolutions Test Review. Haiti did achieve autonomy from France, .social outcomes of the Haitian Revolution, 1. Saint-Domingue, with its tropical climate, was developed as a coffee- and sugar-producing colony, and sustained many large and profitable plantations. Causes Of The Haitian Revolution. Winning the Seven Years War caused a large amount a debt. Create an account to browse all assets today, The French Revolution Questions and Answers, Biological and Biomedical What are the pros and cons for the French Revolution? Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. The cause of the Haitian Revolution was the inherent cruelty of slavery and the desire for Haitian blacks and multi-racial people to be treated with respect and decency. - Free mulatos like Toussaint started to get people … Start studying AP World History: Haitian Revolution. One school of interpretation maintains that French society under the ancien régime was rent by class war. Haitian revolution was the only successful slave revolt. The Haitian Revolution was the only successful revolt by enslaved Black people in history, and it led to the creation of the second independent nation in the Western Hemisphere, after the United States.