Some people like to choose popular names, some like exotic names and others like to name their bird according to their own personal tastes. Place the cage at or below eye level away from drafty windows and doors. Nico: This little canary will let you ‘Rofl’ down once you meet him. You can sort these Parakeet pet names by gender and you can view their full meanings by clicking on the name. 82. Choosing a name for a male parakeet can be fun, but it can also cause fretfulness. Some of the best parrot names are funny and ironic ones. Claudia Mitchell (author) on February 01, 2019: The best names are the ones that you choose for them. Good bird fact: The vibrant feathers of a Blue Jay are magnificent, no doubt, ... A good look will reveal the wash of color that earned the bird its name, but this species is more easily identified by its bright red cap, white-striped back, and rolling call. Before settling on a name for your pet bird, make sure you consider a few factors, like physical characteristics and personality. B lue baby names and what they mean, for blue, ocean, with 20 results. Popular Bird Names. Check it! You don't have to name your pet bird right away, and it can actually help to wait until you get to know them better before deciding. Here are some nice ideas for parakeet names you can use to name your boy birds. Anonymous. The yellow-crowned parrot (A. ochrocephala) of Mexico, Central America, and from Ecuador to Brazil has some yellow on … Samuel on February 16, 2019: I like loads of them. She (i think its a she) has a white head with little spots of dark blue. you can great names … Your name ideas. 1 decade ago. offers many Parakeet pet names to choose from when naming your own pet. Well, Blu is the famous cartoon bird from animated movie, ‘Rio’. Take a look at this list and see if there are any you like. HELP also my bird do like me how do I tame them I have 6 of them. It is however a pseudo-francism as perroquet means parrot in French, while the French for parakeet is perruche. According to the association, the Spix's macaw is the rarest parrot species in the world. Price may vary by location. -2 bird name i think for red white and blue birds a name should be USA. Favorite Answer. Calling all bird brains since birds of a feather certainly do flock together! A happy parakeet will typically be tweeting a song, talking, or even mimicking sounds they hear often. Name your parakeet after things that are yellow, such as flowers. Elizabeth Hurley calls her Blue-Fronted Amazon parrot Ping-Pong. If its a boy they are usually the talkers in most bird species i would recommend a name starting with "P" because birds can pick up on there names easy if it starts with "P" simply if u just say it every time u walk in and out of the room where the … The budgie’s Latin name means “song bird with wavy lines; The budgie is the most popular pet bird in the world, although, in the United States, it is second in popularity behind the cockatiel ; Budgies can amass large vocabularies. Scooter– Save this one for a fast bird. We’ve got 100 girl bird names and 100 boy bird names! Look into Alexandrine Parakeets, Indian Ringneck Parakeets, Black-tailed Parakeet or anything else available where you live. Answer Save. Let’s know something more interesting about the blue birds with some of their beautifully clicked images. Relevance. We offer many parakeet pet names along with over 20,000 other pet names. You may also rate the pet names that you like dislike most. That would be a short name that starts with a consonant. Taxonomy and species. What should I name my blue female parakeet? For example, you could call them Einstein or be funny and give them a name which sounds really silly, like fluffy. So if you have not found the name you like here, you might want to check out some parakeet names for male birds. Best Names For Parakeets . Beautiful Pictures of Blue birds: Bluebirds are the native to North America and are found in just some parts of the continent. Name on February 01, 2019: Hi I’m looking for a parrot. 4 Answers. Update: Update 2: i want reallly good names plz. Use these tips below to better understand how your pet parakeet is feeling and what their behavior means. 88. Yellow foods can inspire some names, Pepper, Pudding even Omelet! Update 3: thx for all the names, i am thinking of one. Remember that you can always have parakeet nicknames, too, to go with their full name. Some people like to wait and get a sense of the bird's personality before naming him. Have you ever wondered what is behind the diversity of colors in parrots’ feathers? Posted On Dec 03, 2011 Posted By Andrea +2 My cockatiel's name My cockatiel's name is Mendelssohn. i need some very good parakeet names for my new white parakeet. The genus Sialia was introduced by the English naturalist William John Swainson in 1827 with the eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) as the type species. 87. Favorite Answer . Well, you’ve found the most perfect destination for exactly that. Tiki– A fun, tropical name for your bird. Popular Parakeet Names. The full body of this bird is blue feathers that make them more attractive among us. Line the enclosure floor with recycled-paper bedding or use a paper liner. Although George Washington disliked the bird, Polly the parrot was his wife Matha's pet. Names for Parakeets Parakeet names are very important! A budgie’s voice sounds like a sped up recording, so an owner might not even recognize that their budgie is talking! Bird Names For Parakeets . The bigger the cage (minimum 18 x 18 x 24 inches), the better. The Australian budgerigar, or shell parakeet, is a popular pet and the most common parakeet. Blue Parakeet Names List . Other famous parrot owners include Elizabeth Taylor, Aristotle, Queen Isabella, Marie Antoinette and Angelina Jolie. The name parakeet is derived from the French word perroquet. Really Big. Polly– This is a true classic bird name. While parrots and other tropical birds and birds of paradise don't always differ too much from regular birds, their names do tend to be more out there in many cases. i need names for a white and blue parakeet, 1 bird, any suggestions? Maybe you will find your inspiration after seeing those names. Parakeet Rhinoceros Avocet, American Beardless-Tyrannulet, Northern Bishop, Northern Red Bittern American Least Blackbird Brewer’s Red-winged Rusty Tricolored Yellow-headed Bluebird Mountain Western Bobolink Booby, Brown Brant Bufflehead Bunting Indigo Lark Lazuli Painted McKay’s Snow Varied Bushtit Canvasback Cardinal, Northern Catbird, Gray Chat, Yellow-breasted Chickadee Chestnut … 86. These girl names were at the apex of their popularity 8 decades ago (USAGE OF 0.61%) and have become much less widespread since (USAGE 0.07%, 89%), with names such as Bonnie going out of style. A small fantastic bird and always wears a bottle cap, isn’t that cool. The name of Stephen Spielberg's Panama Amazon parrot is Blanche, and Hillary Swank's African Grey parrot is called Seuss. She is only 5 months old, already spoiled rotten. Thats the called the sky color mutation. Answer Save. You can browse, search, and save your parakeet pet names until you find that perfect one. Budgerigars, or Budgies, originate from Australia so they are likely to be a cost-effective choice for Australian's wanting to have a pet parakeet. She is mostly light blue. Then, when you start the training, teach him his name first. Names For White Parakeets . Replace the liner at least every other day. ? Common in aviaries is the blue-fronted Amazon (A. aestiva) of Brazil; it has a blue forehead, a yellow or blue crown, a yellow face, and red shoulders. He lived his entire life indoors and it was luxurious for him.