It is difficult to quantify what the dumbest animal in the world is, simply because there is no universal barometer by which to measure intelligence. The Rednecked Phalarope, is a bird in Britain that instead of wintering in the Arabian Sea, where his relatives travel from Russia and Scandinavia, it follows an incredibly huge route, going east in Canada, after the Caribbean and then to Ecuador and Peru.It is the second largest migratory route of birds in the world, which stunned scientists when they attended the … Ranking in at number 6 on the American Kennel Club’s list of America’s most popular dog breeds , the Beagle is beloved for … 5- Kakapo. Schpeel. 2- Turkeys. The world's dumbest animal. Like in a line you know? Probably a chihuahua. however simply what does one decision animals that solely eat food that was ne'er meant for them? One of the ugliest animals in the world believed to exists on the planet for least 20 million years. We marvel at the weird and unusual forms life can take. 7- Koala. The honey badger is the only animal on this list that’s not a significant threat to humans, but nevertheless, it deserves to be on here. The most interesting thing is that they never poop on the trees. In this world, it is commonly said that the domesticated turkey is the dumbest animal on the planet. Sloths are the slowest and dumbest animals out there. 6- Lilac-breasted roller. The domesticated turkey is indeed one of the dumbest animals in the world. While the Beagle may be sitting on our list of dumbest dog breeds, he is also one of the world’s favorites. 1- Sloths. It's a lemming. Yes, they are incredibly cute. Starring in the classic viral video Honey Badger Don’t Care, the honey badger is renowned for its aggression and will take on opponents far larger than itself, including lions. I know this one! What you see in animals is what you get just as you see in humans. These different acts you see in animals tells you of their behaviors. A list of strange and funny-looking creatures. The animal kingdom consists of the two million animals and has all three combinations as in smart, lazy, and just dumb. Weirdest Animals In The World. Check out the Mimic Octupus, Flying Fox, Star-Nosed Mole, Giant Isopod, Leafy Seadragon, Pufferfish, Stonefish, Thorny Dragon, Giant Softshell Turtle, Gharial, Narwhal, Jerboa and more. The teachers at our school use them as an example for peer pressure and the whole "If you're friend jumped off a cliff would you do it too?" However, some animals widely agreed to be dumb include the panda, cane toad, turkey and kakapo. The species loves to hunt and eat worms, crayfish, snails, frogs, snakes and aquatic vegetation. In our busy world, it's always nice to have a day on the sofa relaxing. 4- Flamingos. These things follow in groups. Top 10 dumbest animals on the planet 8- Goblin shark. You can tell if an animal is […] Dumbest Animals In The World: As much as intelligence may be a human normal, animals can also be evaluated on such terms. Another stupidest animal in the list of top 10 dumbest animal is sloth. The dumbest dog in the world is a poodle-wrong poodles are the second smartest. They come down for it and that is also once in a week. 10. But for many animals, every day is a lazy day, with some spending only a few hours awake! Alligator snapping turtles spend most of the time in the water, however, females leave the water to deposit eggs in the ground. Counted as the world’s slowest and smallest animals, these creatures often spend their time in sleeping on the branches. 3- Pandas.

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