Tips for calling a cell phone in Mexico: To call a Mexican cell phone from a land line, simply follow the mobile country code dialing instructions above to place your call. Fixed phone numbers in Mexico, NL, Monterrey are comprised of a single country code (+52), a 1 digit area code, a 1 digit region code, and a 80 digit line code. MEXICO CITY — If you’ve been one of those telephone users confused with the dialing codes in Mexico, you’re not alone. Area Code List Our area code list includes all area codes that contain wireless phone numbers, and contains the approximate amount of numbers in each area code. These are the area codes for Mexico's three largest cities: Mexico City 55 Guadalajara 33 Monterrey 81 Calling Cell Phones . To call a Mexican cell phone from your cell phone, you may need to first use the + (plus) sign prior to entering the Mexico mobile code and telephone number. But the neighboring county will change that on Saturday, as Mexico is finally simplifying its dialing codes. Making a call with the wrong country, area, or region code can be costly. In the rest of the country subscriber telephone numbers are seven digits and the area code is three digits. Browse our sites area and region codes by region and city to ensure you have the correct information for your calls. In the rest of the country, the area code is three digits. Note that in Mexico’s three largest cities (Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey); the area code is two digits. Area codes of Mexico, country 52, phone prefixes, call Mexico from another country: 1st international code, 2nd country number, 3rd area code. Check your service plan for call rates. The range of area codes 800-899 in Mexico is reserved for Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas and Veracruz. For years, for calling a Mexican cellphone from the U.S. or anywhere in the world, you need to dial “1” between the country and city codes, unlike a Until August 3, 2019, phone numbers in Mexico consisted of ten digits with either two-digit area codes (for Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara and their respective metropolitan areas) or three-digit area codes for the rest of the country. More indicative of country areas for calls are: zone code, city code and intercity code for national calls. To dial to a phone number located in Mexico from outside of the country dial the exit code to dial outside of your country (example 011 in the United States) followed by + 52 + Area Code + Local Phone Number. To call Mexico simply dial your exit country code, the Mexico country code and the area phone code shown below, all before your local number. Calling from your non-Mexican (roaming) cell phone: If you are carrying a non-Mexican phone in Mexico and you want to place a call, dial the “+” then the country code (for Mexico this is “52” and for the US and Canada this is “1”), then the area code and number. Ignore 00 and 044/045, etc. To dial Mexico, start by dialing your country’s exit code, which is “011” for the U.S. and Canada. If you're within the area code of the Mexican cell phone number you wish to call, you should dial the area code, then the phone number. Trunk codes are 01, 045 or 044 and are used exclusively for domestic calls, depending on whether you’re calling a landline or a cell phone. (For other areas, see Area codes in Mexico by code). Mexico Phone Code: 52. Then, dial “52,” which is Mexico’s access code. Enter the area code. The data on this page is provided under a creative commons non-commerical license. After that, enter the area code for the Mexican city you’re trying to reach. Area Codes Search Notes. Mexico City Dial Code: +52 55 Once you’ve made your call, remember; Rebtel use the highest quality, real phone lines with great value rates at the cheapest prices. Next, dial "1" if you're calling a cell phone, or skip this step if you're making a call to a land line. Phone numbers and area codes. Mexico City Area Code: 55.
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