My mother didn’t even know I was doing this. Pre-orders for the disc will begin on April 14 at Could you come over, bring some tablas, and see if I can do this?’  He came over, and I could not get a sound out of them. Ultimately, if the story has a happy ending, then you think, ‘How lucky am I?’  I know that’s how I felt, anyway. For me, the CD and this interview will definitely be a page in my Sacred Book of Favorite Days. TS: “It has that English feel. We didn’t take 4 bars and just loop it over and over again. One is two snare drums, an 18” floor tom, and a gong drum that comes in the middle of the song. On the other hand, the line, ‘And what we’ve left to reap could be beautiful,’  suggests there’s still a glimmer of hope. S1030 snare stand Could you tell me a little more detail about that? He believed in me, and that I could do it, when I thought it was a pipe dream. There’s also a lot of different guitar parts, an Ebow guitar part, that all added to the emotional impact of the song. That’s inspired by Ringo, Bev Bevan (ELO), and Dave Mattacks (XTC). One night she said, ‘Hey, are you planning on ever playing this music to me?’  I made sure we drank a bottle of wine before the big reveal. I’m very tickled that the first notes were my father’s kit that I learned how to play on. H2050C Redline Eliminator hh stand. BC:  One of my personal favorites on your album is Sacred Book of Favorite Days. His father, Arnold J. Sucherman was a doctor by day, and a big band drummer by night. TS:  “I’ve always been very shy and sheepish about singing in general, my whole life. I employed hitting a 22” bass drum and a gong drum with a mallet, Pearl Rocket Toms, one floor tom and a shaker. The back-cover photo of me was taken by Ronn Dunnett. If I’m thinking John Bonham, I’ll go to that before my bank of Ludwigs. It leaves these big giant holes for a 12-string guitar to jangle over, along with a single tambourine hit. The snares were a Pearl Reference Bell Bronze 12 X 6” and a Provenance 14 X 5.5” Stave Purpleheart built from the old West Pier at Brighton, England. It was nice to use those on the record. Should I wait for brighter days or go full speed ahead?’  The response was 99.9% overwhelmingly yes, release it now. Todd Sucherman … Kudos for pulling that off. I used 3 Joyful Noise snares on that track. I trust him to tell me and guide me how to make it better. It just has a nice ‘flop’ about it.”. A drummer friend of mine in town, Michael Bahan, studied tabla. After the strings, J.K. was very reluctant to do add the harmonies. BC:  Last Flight Home was released in multiple formats, including high-definition digital and old school vinyl LP formats. He came in with the lyrics pretty complete when we started working on it. I tried to steer the song in that direction. Exotic Macassar Ebony stave 14×6. We wrote that song in about a half hour. I’ve bought a bunch more since. This goes into my Sacred Book of Favorite Days. Paypal, credit cards, Patreon, Venmo, Cash App, Zellepay and personal checks accepted. To be totally honest, I basically borrowed Phil Collins’ drum part from the 1978 song, ‘Snowbound.’  It was such a great way to play a slower song. The Rukus drum I recorded upside down with the snare side up to give it a militaristic sound, with the two other different sounding snares recorded playing the same roll to produce something like a ‘psychotic parade’. The main snare drum was the Joyful Noise bronze 14 X 6.5” Winged Elite. This phenomenal d CLH930 close hh attachment. The intro sounds a bit techno, with a drum machine-like of sound. BC: On this track, the drums seem to set back in the mix rather than even or out front. He is also one of the most friendly, kind, funny, and compassionate “rock stars” you may ever meet. That’s a great recording drum. I knew several characters like that in LA. In addition to recording and touring, Todd takes the time to reach out to his fellow drummers to share his immense wealth of drum knowledge live at various clinic,s master classes, and more recently online, partnered with Drumeo. Could you tell me more about how this song was written and recorded? What was the thought behind this? It’s tactile, and Teagan gets to see the artwork and photographs. I wanted that to be front and center with the drums just behind it as opposed to the drums overpowering that particular piece.”. Your donation keeps the lights on at Not So Modern Drummer. It is truly hard to contain my excitement over Todd Sucherman’s new album, ‘Last Flight Home’. We kept the drum machine which goes through different filters underneath the drum track the whole time to create some tension and underlying motion in between the holes in the drum part. This song is sort of the antithesis of ‘Don’t Stop Believin’, really. The fact that he left one photo in color (all others black and white) was perfect. Tell me more…, TS:  “This is another one that J.K. had largely together, and we rewrote some of the lyrics. That’s how that sound was born in the beginning. I was thinking, ‘It would be nice to do some sort of “Smile”-era Brian Wilson arrangement with all the moving harmonies in the chorus. I just feel very fortunate and grateful to be the drummer in the band that I’m in (Styx). It just happened. I think it really worked well in the song, helping give it that psychedelic feeling.”. When I recorded the drums, J.K. thought it would be cool to add the sound of a tape loop starting up, then going into the drum fill, and then going into the Casio-sounding drum machine. You’d recommend them for something, and they wouldn’t call back, show up late, or become an alcoholic mess. Their music is very ethereal and cinematic. They go from very low to very high. On the Elbow version, there are these “front porch” looped sounds, and I wanted to emulate that in a different way. It became clear to me that this track would be the focal point or centerpiece of the record, and quite possibly the title track (which it ultimately wound up being). I wanted it to sound like what might be programmed on a drum machine but played live in a ‘humanistic’ fashion. From around 1974/75 - 1982, he was playing Premier. I also used a chorus of snare drums for a circus drum roll: a Rukus 14 X 6.5” 10-ply wenge/mahogany/Santos rosewood, Japanese Middlecentre 14 X 5”  with wood hoops (top wood hoop has a top ply of Ume, a.k.a. I think that bands of the last 20 years with CD’s, downloadable music, or just tracks for somebody’s playlist will have trouble gaining the traction to have a multi-decade career.”. It was kind of a mix between Roger Taylor/Queen and Steve Smith/Journey ‘Faithfully’ in a way. I wish I weren’t responsible for the damage around me’. If you dial it in just right, it will just give some overtones to go with that. Having my father’s drum set and ride cymbal on the record was very special to me.”. It’s like taking a charcoal sketch and making it a technicolor movie. For the loop, I used the TKO brass 14 X 6.5” (engraved 10th anniversary, #1/10). I layered two snare drums, the first being a 14 X 8” Evetts Tasmanian blackwood with blackheart sassafras veneer inside and out. Not everyone is going to be a successful musician, actor, screenwriter, or whatever brings transplants to that town. I imagine most people expected a lot of drum fills like that (laughs). He was the house drummer at the famed Chez Parre' in Chicago through the 1940s and 50's. This person doesn’t realize why their life is such a mess, but they’re doing it to themselves the whole time. So, at that time, when I was listening to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, watching all the plants grow and the plants breathe, I thought this was one of my favorite days. Where Mind, Body and Spirit unite to create drumming greatness. So, what you are hearing is two snare drums, two bass drums (we added the Premier bass drum as well) and two sets of toms, essentially two kits playing exactly the same parts.”, BC: ‘It’s Perfection.’  Let me guess, this is a song about a very special woman? People sometimes assume those were Gretsch. So, I had those influences stewing in a caldron in my mind while trying to emotionally connect to the song.”. I think the song title is like the saying, ‘If you want to make God laugh, make plans.’  You have to ad lib everything because everything is absurd. Suddenly, there’s a scene change, and you’re in some seedy hotel room in Hollywood. Hardware . Todd is truly one of the most talented and well-recognized drummers out there today. It was a special time for me in the world of Genesis, from ‘Trick of the Tail’ to ‘Duke.’  That’s holy music for me. He’s an amazing photographer.”. I listened to it in a sequence of the rough mixes, and it didn’t really add anything. Drum Teacher Reacts to Todd Sucherman - Drum Solo - YouTube We just changed it to make it more about my wife than his! We go through an intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus before the drums really come in. “The best way to tune a drum is to find the voice in each drum. Maybe a guy meeting a woman that might be the end of him. It would lend itself to it.’  We added the string quartet like we did on ‘Ad Lib Everything’. Todd’s award-winning Methods and Mechanics I & II DVD’s are essential for every drummer’s library. I recorded a plastic tub for a bass drum part, foot stomps on the studio floor, my father’s old fishing tackle box that I shook, some old shells which I crunched on the floor, and a tambourine. ‘Cause I don’t’. I love the lyrics, the tabla, and what sounds like a Beatles-like feel. A singular character realizes that this dream is over. Designed and Developed by George Lawrence. Check it out and get some inspiration for your own drum solos! One of my oldest friends is Nicholas Markos, and sometime in the 90s I wrote this piece at the end of one of his songs called ‘Don’t You Cry’. It’s ultimately a very sad song. There are three tribal drum parts on Kindling. It ultimately ends up kind of exploding into a euphoria about it. He is definitely born to drum” - Ian Froman. With tours being postponed and/or cancelled, it also important that we support original music – so buy, don’t bootleg! He had one year with Pearl and then went to Gretsch. Just about 2 months before COVID-19 hit, I invested in a good turntable (Pro-Ject Xpression in Italian olivewood). I thought it would be fun to record an over-the-top, ridiculous, fast flurry drum fill that would lead into the Casio-sounding drum machine…almost sarcastically. That drum is always good for a lively, boxy, late 70’s Tom Petty sort of vibe. I first recorded it with an open bass drum and a different snare drum. This song is the copyrighted property of it's owner(s). In recent years, many friends of mine and Tommy Shaw have caught the vinyl bug. There are 10 great tunes, carefully sculpted and crafted to tease our emotions and draw us in. BC:  I wish to express my sincere thanks to Todd for taking the time to chat about his new album. Those Premier toms, by the way, are the ‘In the Air Tonight’ toms. This project took about 8 months to complete (July, 2019 – Feb, 2020), in between all the touring, clinics, and traveling. ‘Study the Greats’ is a series of quick videos where host Austin Burcham walks you through beats by some of the world’s greatest drummers. BC:  You had some concerns about releasing the album (pre-orders were taken on April 14th) during the COVID-19 crisis. I called Michael and said, ‘Hey, can I like rent you and your time? On Last Flight Home, I used a Stanbridge purpleheart/pink ivory (segment shell) 14 X 6” wood hooped snare, tuned very low with a big drum dot on it to give a ‘baseball bat in a birthday cake’ sound.

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