Pending. Die Verwendung der H-P-Gleichung, zur Abschätzung der Umformfestigkeit von Stählen, ist ein nützliches Werkzeug, das den aktuellen Wissensstand zur Festigkeitssteigerung durch Korngrößenveränderung nutzt. At the General Meeting which decides on this demerger, the Management Board of the transferring company shall, in consultation with the Management Board of the acquiring company, be authorised to apply for the demerger to be entered in the Commercial Register only if no. You can check on the device if the user is an Azure AD user by running this command from a cmd prompt: whoami /UPN. die aufgrund der Untersuchung des OLAF eingeleitet worden seien, ergeben hätten. Shareholders' Rights with Respect to Participation in the General Shareholders' Meeting: In addition to the above-mentioned shareholders' rights in accordance with Articles 126 and 127 of German Corporate Law (AktG), shareholders' may also demand under the conditions set forth in Articles 122, Paragraph 2, and 124, Paragraph 1, Rechte der Aktionäre bzgl. What does Current Pending Sector Count mean? Diese werden auch in diversen Foren der EU erörtert, beispielsweise im Rahmen des Stakeholders' Dialogue on illegal up- and downloading (Dialog der beteiligten Akteure über illegales Up- und Downloading), der derzeit auf Initiative der GD MARKT stattfindet, in Verbindung mit der Annahme der Mitteilung der Kommission über die Verbesserung der Durchsetzung von Rechten des geistigen Eigentums im Binnenmarkt (12 ) Erörterungen zu diesem Thema finden auch im Europäischen. This is a payment that has begun, but is not complete. That means we're waiting to hear from your former employer. issues by further consultation and discussion. nicht verfügbaren Betrag (1 018 Millionen Franken). Pending definition, while awaiting; until: pending his return. pending payment bis zur Zahlung pending settlement bis zur Begleichung to be pending dahinstehen anstehen [angesetzt sein] in der Schwebe sein [Verfahren] anhängig seinlaw patent pending angemeldetes Patent {n} pending lawsuit anhängiger Rechtsstreit {m} schwebendes Gerichtsverfahren {n}law pending litigation Il progetto per la Tanzania relativo alla strada di Bogamoyo è [...] bloccato in attesa della risoluzione di una controversia pendente dinanzi ai [...] giudici. die aufgrund der Untersuchung des OLAF eingeleitet worden seien, ergeben hätten. Der Vorstand der übertragenden Gesellschaft soll in der über die gegenständliche Spaltung beschlussfassenden Hauptversammlung ermächtigt werden, im Einvernehmen mit dem Vorstand der übernehmenden Gesellschaft die Spaltung erst dann zur Eintragung in das Firmenbuch anzumelden, wenn keine Anfechtungs- oder Nichtigkeitsklagen gegen. Usually when you resolve something, it has a resolution attached to it, i.e., Resolved with status Done, or Won't Fix. The lady was very knowledgeable and helpful, I believe Amanda? nicht verfügbaren Betrag (1 018 Millionen Franken). Fraud Warning Now I got the pan card. Pending resolution of the matter, such intellectual property shall be owned jointly by the Parties or their participants, [...] M.   in der Erwägung, dass zu den einstweiligen Maßnahmen gehören: (i) Anordnungen zur Offenlegung von Informationen über Vermögenswerte, die für Maßnahmen zur Vollstreckung einer gerichtlichen Entscheidung infrage kommen, und (ii) Anordnungen zur Sicherung von Vermögenswerten während der Vollstreckung; diese Maßnahmen können auch (iii) die Form der Anordnung einer vorläufigen Zahlung haben. Pending resolution of the issue, the Central Government [...] made Chandigarh a Union Territory (under Section 4 of the Punjab [...] Re-Organisation Act, 1966, with effect from November 1, 1996) with its administration functioning directly under the Central government. Except in cases of persistent late payment or non-payment of bills, consumers should be protected from immediate disconnection from the network on the grounds of an unpaid bill and, particularly in the case of disputes, Außer in Fällen wiederholter verspäteter Zahlung oder Nichtzahlung von Rechnungen sollten die Verbraucher von der sofortigen Trennung vom Netz aufgrund von Zahlungsverzug geschützt sein und, insbesondere im Fall strittiger. p.s. durch die Liquidatorin zurückgehalten wurden. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "pending resolution". [Bus.] Shareholders' Rights with Respect to Participation in the General Shareholders' Meeting: In addition to the above-mentioned shareholders' rights in accordance with Articles 126 and 127 of German Corporate Law (AktG), shareholders' may also demand under the conditions set forth in Articles 122, Paragraph 2, and 124, Paragraph 1, Rechte der Aktionäre bzgl. VERIFICATION PENDING FOR DPR RESOLUTION. Pending means that they are assessing your case. Nevada employment representatives answer the following viewer question: "My portal has said 'pending resolution' since March 22. YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED SUBJECT TO SUCCESSFUL AADHAAR VERIFICATION WITH UIDAI RECORDS The problem was, I had applied pan card before ( around 4 years ago) and didnt received. more details of how processing affects grain size can be found in the processing. 5. order the Commission to limit the performance of current assistance programs (which are carried out and/or supervised by the Commission) to those programs that are aimed specifically at promoting fundamental rights and which do not constitute financial aid to the Lebanese authorit, 5. der Kommission aufzugeben, bis zur Entscheidung über die von Libanon begangene Verletzung von Art. the General Meeting of RI, or only if such applications or actions will probably not be prevented after examining from a legal point of view the matter of the registration of the demerger and/or merger in the Commercial Register (and their entry into force and the entry into force of all associated resolutions). The resolution is still pending too so who am I supposed to send that email to saying that I verified myself?? Resolution definition is - the act or process of resolving: such as. resolution definition: 1. an official decision that is made after a group or organization has voted: 2. a promise to…. Current Pending Sector Count is a S.M.A.R.T parameter that shows the current count of unstable sectors on your disk that are waiting to be remapped. ... the pending status would continue until there’s a resolution— or the contract is terminated," Ross says. Resolution definition is - the act or process of resolving: such as. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'pending' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. grant an order that the Commission do propose to the Council the freezing of pre-accession assist, der Kommission aufzugeben, dem Rat zu empfehlen, die Heranführungshilfe einzufrieren, bis eine Lösung dafür gefunden worden ist, dass die Türkei die von der Kommission angegebenen EU-Beitrittskriterien nicht eingehalten hat. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Bogamoyo Road project is blocked pending resolution of a dispute before the courts. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. procedures launched in the wake of the UCLAF investigation. Now I got the pan card. property rights in the internal market (referred to as 'the Gallo report'). Waehrend die DDR mit der deutschen Vereinigung als Teilnehmerstaat entfiel, wurden die Hilfsmassnahmen fuer Jugoslawien im, These payments were the fines imposed by the EU in respect of the vitamin case (778 million Swiss francs), various settlement payments of 773 million Swiss francs made to direct and indirect vitamins customers in the United States and, the payment of 1,018 million Swiss francs into a collateral, Diese umfassen die von der Europäischen Union ausgesprochenen Bussen für den Vitaminfall (778 Millionen Franken), Vergleichszahlungen an Direktkunden und indirekte Abnehmer von Vitaminen in den USA (773 Millionen Franken). No payments are made during this period. What Does Pending Mean in Real Estate? According to our documentation on payment statuses, Pending means: . Synonym Discussion of resolution. This is not a good example for the translation above. That means the employment office is waiting to hear from your employer. Thats the reason why i applied again. grant an order that the Commission do propose to the Council the freezing of pre-accession assist, der Kommission aufzugeben, dem Rat zu empfehlen, die Heranführungshilfe einzufrieren, bis eine Lösung dafür gefunden worden ist, dass die Türkei die von der Kommission angegebenen EU-Beitrittskriterien nicht eingehalten hat. Learn more. and timelines for the product should remain unchanged. Since we cannot officially confer degrees prior to the three conferral dates in an academic calendar year, the Graduation department will place a Graduation Pending status on your record. But now it says, "pending resolution.” We all know what the word “pending” means. Seeing a “Pending Resolution” message about your unemployment payment? procedures launched in the wake of the UCLAF investigation. English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus. können in den Herstellungsmodulen gefunden werden. pending> angemeldetes Patent {n} pending lawsuit anhängiger Rechtsstreit {m} schwebendes Gerichtsverfahren {n}law pending litigation schwebendes Verfahren {n}law pending loss Traductions en contexte de "pending resolution" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : The interim review was then held in abeyance pending resolution of … Not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation. 2 des Assoziationsabkommens in Bezug auf den Kläger vorzuschlagen, They are also discussed in various EU forums such as the Stakeholders' Dialogue on illegal up - and downloading that currently takes place animated by the Directorate-General for the Internal Market and Services, in connection with the adoption of the Commission's communication enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market (12 ).

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