If a pair is ready to breed, another clue may lie in the male tetra’s behavior. Neon Tetras are a joy to have in your tank and are easy to care for. Breeding Requirements for Neon Tetras. Breeding tetra fish is not so much a nearly impossible task that can only be accomplished by someone of vast skill and determination as it is a sign of someone who is willing to pay attention to detail and to give nature a chance to take its course. You wouldn’t want your neon tetras getting the chomp by your betta. Due to being raised in captivity, they have been developed to withstand different and harsher conditions than they would have had to experience in the wild making the neon tetra a hardier fish. About 100 eggs will be laid at once. By RBHEsquivel, 7 years ago on Tropical Fish. Identifying a Neon Tetra that is About to Lay Eggs 1. Even though this disease is common, there’s no known cure. Neon Tetras are comfortable with Cardinal Tetras. With a peaceful but energetic temperament, this fish brings dazzling color to your tank, especially when they school together. If you’re looking for a peaceful fish that can play well with others, Neon Tetras are a great choice. This was a great adaptation to help them locate one another amongst the blackish water streams. Over 2 million of these fish are sold in the US each month. Every once in a while, feel free to throw in some hearty treats. Though they are used to swimming in schools you should add real plants or fake plants for some added protection. When all is said and done, you should remove the adult Neon Tetras and give the eggs some time to hatch. They are peaceful, non-aggressive fish which can make fantastic additions to a community tank. As they get older and more mature, you can decrease the frequency down to once a day. In the wild neon tetras will enjoy chasing down their prey so why should it be too much of a difference in your aquarium? Aside from those three colors, Neon Tetras have a translucent body. It’s believed that the stripe is used to improve visibility among different types of tetras. It’s recommended to keep neon tetras with other small fish so you will not have to worry about other fish-eating them in your aquarium or vice versa. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. It’s best to try and stick to the best quality food pellets. Even if you’ve paird them with non-aggressive fish, you need to make sure the tankmates are not large enough to swallow them! Their popularity continues even today due to their beauty and relatively easy care. These fish are one of the most popular species for aquarists around the world. For Cardinal Tetras, it runs through the entire length of the fish. Breeding neon tetras is considered to be difficult in home aquariums. As long as you provide them with the basic care and water conditions they need, they should do just fine! The water in this tank should have a lower pH between 5.0 and 6.0. You may notice that your fish’s once vibrant colors are now faded and dull. This acts as a double whammy for our neon tetra. Most of the population brought to the states is 5% wild-caught. And as we mentioned earlier, they need to have just the right conditions. Then, set the tank in a dark place and introduce some adult tetras into it. First things first, medicate your neon tetras. Hopefully, this will trigger the fish to breed. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Neon Tetras (also called paracheirodon innesi) were classified back in the 1930s when they were first brought to the United States from South America. The belly of the fish is colored in a neutral white. Since they only get to be about an inch it’s definitely something to remember. Anything smaller could cause them to feel … Neon Tetra Tropical Fish Learn all about the Neon Tetra's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. They’re found in tanks…. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Continue to keep light levels low for the eggs. Neon Tetras have a unique breeding process. Males vs. You will notice they spend their time in a school and will swim in the middle of the water column. Also, keep all food pieces small. Copyright © 2020 They are a center piece to add to an tank due to theur beautiful and stunning color. This is an important stage in the breeding process, so you should educate yourself. This tank will be exclusive to the male … Neon Tetras are schooling fish. The ideal temperature would be between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit since they are tropical fish use in warmer climates. The food pellets are essential to help maintain nutrients they would normally be missing but since they are omnivores it’s good to keep real protein for them and not just food pellets alone. This often causes the stripes to appear curved.

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